nutrim division 1

Metabolic Health

Research area 1. metabolic health

About NUTRIM's research area 1

We obtain a better mechanistic understanding of the effects of interventions on the development and consequences of obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. By developing strategies that make healthy choices easier, we assist people in changing their lifestyle in order to improve their quality of life and to reduce the public health impact of these metabolic diseases.

Research Themes

Diet, physical (in)activity, sedentary behavior, environmental factors (temperature and oxygen availability), circadian rhythmicity, and genetics/genomics are factors that play a role in the etiology and prevention of obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

These factors provide opportunities for the prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases. Our goals are to create a better mechanistic understanding of the effects of these interventions on the etiology of chronic diseases, with a strong focus on human research.

Research Focus

In NUTRIM research area 1, we try to understand how lifestyle and pharmacological interventions can improve cardiometabolic health. In addition, we also try to understand why people are inactive and eat unhealthy food, and explore possibilities to influence these choices.  Finally, we explore how biological factors such as metabolic phenotype and the individual genetic makeup influence the response to interventions.

We use this knowledge for tailoring interventions and steering recommendations. By using invasive and non-invasive techniques, we study how essential organs such as skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, blood vessels, liver, intestines, brain and the heart are involved in the development and treatment of obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Research Impact

Changing unhealthy habits and lifestyles, as well as maintaining healthy habits, is what our research ultimately tries to encourage. We have unique facilities to study human metabolism, enabling us to perform translational research aimed at understanding the development and treatment of metabolic diseases. 

We investigate human physiology and develop intervention programmes together with relevant stakeholders, and examine what is needed to implement them in such a way that they are sustained over time.