Maastricht University illustration internationalisation


Maastricht University: from the (Eu)region, for the (Eu)region

Maastricht University is proud to be the most international university in the Netherlands. We are grateful for the richness and diversity provided by our international staff, students and study programmes—and the ensuing endless supply of inspiring stories. 

We want to share these stories with everyone who carries the province in their heart, be they from Limburg or otherwise. And with everyone who wants to know why Limburg, of all places, is the right place for a university—because UM is here for you, too.

Infographic: what value does the university bring to the region?


Interviews and stories


AI for Limburg’s businesses

Having come to South Limburg to study at Maastricht University’s Department for Knowledge Engineering, Marcell Ignéczi went on to co-found COMPUTD, a company dedicated to bringing AI solutions to the region he now calls his home. 

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Read more interviews and stories

More news items
  • After a sunny start to spring, the weather on this third Saturday in March is a disappointing 10 degrees Celsius, if that. Not that this dampens the enthusiasm of the gardening volunteers from SamenGroenerMaastricht, a foundation aimed at making neighbourhoods greener and promoting social...

  • How an honours programme is staving off brain drain

    In the KE@Work programme, students solve a complex, real-world problem while working at a local company. An honours track of the bachelor’s in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, KE@Work provides ambitious students with valuable work...

  • Ylana Sour (19) already knew halfway through secondary school that she wanted to be a paediatrician when she grew up. “When I was three or four years old, I had a bad experience with a doctor myself. I hope that later on, when I’m a doctor, I can show that it can be done differently.” Ylana is now...

  • Owned and run by UM alum Natalia Westermann, the Dotnsquare store on the Heggenstraat in Maastricht is a vibrant tribute to polka dots, pragmatism, sustainability, social entrepreneurship and love for Limburg.

  • As a researcher, how can you best find out what a neighbourhood needs to improve the health and quality of life of its residents? Before you can enter into dialogue and roll up your sleeves together, public spaces are needed where researchers and residents can get together. In 2016, philosophy...
