Treeway Summer Challenge 2016

Dear student,

We are back! 
After a fantastic 2015 Treeway Summer Challenge we are preparing for an even greater challenge this summer…

This year, we are looking for 10 students to join our Treeway Summer Challenge 2016. This challenge will be aimed at finding new unconventional ways and insights to get one step closer to solving the disease ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). We offer (inter)national Master / PhD students in the field of Biology, Pharmacy, Medicine, Bio Informatics and Biochemistry a once in a lifetime study opportunity! The students will travel around the world, and apply their knowledge and creativity to help increase the social impact of this devastating disease. Additionally, skills as leadership, team work and personal effectiveness are developed along the road and all this of course combined with fun!  This challenge brings them in the US and Europe during the summer of 2016 (fully sponsored).

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