Academic Transfer
Current vacancies at Maastricht University are published on the website Academic Transfer, a national vacancy site for Dutch universities, research institutions and academic hospitals.
About applying
Applications are handled in compliance with the NVP-recruitment code (the Dutch Association for Personnel Management & Organisation Development). In principle, recruitment will always take place internally first. Internal and external recruitment may take place simultaneously if there are unlikely to be suitable internal candidates for a particular vacancy. This is stated in the vacancy. In general, we do not accept “open applications” for which there are no concrete positions. Details can be found in the guidelines for filling vacancies .
Vacancies at UM partners
Maastricht University works together with a number of partners where vacancies are announced on the website. Via the banners below, you can peruse vacancies from these partners.
Maastricht UMC+
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
Universiteit Hasselt
Job applicants' travel expenses
Applicants who have been invited to a job interview by Maastricht University (UM) are eligible for travel expense compensation based on the distance between their place of residence and UM (and vice versa) at €0.19 per kilometre. Job applicants living more than 300km from UM will be reimbursed for costs actually incurred. To this end, they must submit a fully completed expense statement form.