UnliMited-Staff Group on UMployee!

The 3rd of December marks the International Day for People with Disabilities. Did you now that persons with disabilities make up 16% of the global population? (source: WHO)

On this day the UnliMited Network at UM is delighted to launch the UnliMited-Staff group on UMployee

This new UMployee page is open to all UM staff and PhD candidates with a disability, chronic illness or neurodivergence (whether disclosed, not disclosed, diagnosed, self-identified) interested in information on joining our community. Please note that you will never have to share any personal information unless you want to yourself.

The page is also for those colleagues that are interested to learn more about topics related to disability, and those who would like to take an active role in promoting disability inclusion at UM.

Find out who is in our Core Team, read personal stories of staff and PhD researchers at UM and interesting legal information and organisations that advocate for the rights of people with disabilities, chronic illnesses or neurodivergence. 

You are welcome in our group

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