Shula Mensah: my work-from-home survival guide

As a person who is easily distracted, working from home is not the most ideal situation for me (most students can identify). The possibility to take a nap, watch some Netflix/Disney+, play some Mariocart is always there and sometimes (very) hard to resist. This is why I always studied in the library because lowkey, the peer pressure of seeing others work hard made me do the same. If you would have told me at the start of the school year that our new normal would be online education due to a global pandemic, I would have probably asked if you were on drugs. But this is our life for now so being in this situation forced me to adjust my ways. I would like to share some tips that have helped me to survive (so far). 

Home office Shula
Shula Mensah

Scheduling and Houseparty

In the evenings, I sit down to reflect on how my day went and how productive I was. I use that to then create a schedule for the day after. There are somedays when I am super focused so I allow for a bit more free time the following day. Other days, I go a bit overboard and don’t do as much as I hoped so then I use that to be more strict for the following day. Something else that helps me actually follow my schedule is sharing them with some friends. They can check up on me throughout the day (and vice versa) to see if there’s actually work being done. We mostly now use the App “Houseparty” to check up on each other but also have breaks with each other through that.

Flatten the curve

The situation we are in right now is something our offspring will be tested on during their history exams. To make sure that we have the ability to actually tell them about it (don’t @me just help flatten the curve), STAY AT HOME as much as possible and wash your hands frequently if step one is not fully possible (personal hygiene should also be a must regardless of any pandemic). I completely understand that having to be basically isolated indefinitely is a very daunting task for some people. It is like life our social life is on pause and the only thing we have to focus on now is university (and our families of course). For those students like me who struggle to study alone, have virtual study sessions with your fellow students so you can help each other out. Stay positive and if you notice your fellow students also struggling, check up on them! To quote a movie we are all familiar with “We are all in this together”  #sbeunite


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