Reaction expertise centre ITEM regarding legislative proposal for flexibilisation commencement date AOW
Expertise centre ITEM notes with great interest the legislative proposal of Klein, member House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) of the Dutch Parliament, to amend the The General Old Age Pension Act (AOW) and the Participation Act (Participatiewet) in regards to the introduction of the possibility to receive the AOW Old Age Pension either entirely or partly, earlier or later (Wet flexibilisering ingangsdatum AOW).
Regarding this legislative proposal, ITEM calls for attention to employees who have accrued a Dutch AOW as well as a foreign state pension. These employees include migrating employees, migrant workers and frontier workers.
The letter regarding the legislative proposal which has been sent to the Committee of Social Affairs and Employment (Vaste commissie voor Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid) on behalf of ITEM can be found here. In this letter special attention is paid to the position of frontier workers. To this end the current issues, frontier workers could face as a result from the current ‘fixed’ commencement date of the AOW is discussed.
Furthermore, attention is paid to the expected positive consequences of the legislative proposal for frontier workers.
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