Piet Leroy appointed professor in 'Procedural Sedation and Analgesia (PROSA) in children'
We are excited to announce that Piet Leroy has been appointed professor in ‘Procedural Sedation and Analgesia (PROSA) in children’ at Maastricht University. This chair is embedded within the School of Health Professions Education (SHE) and combines the fields of pediatrics, medical education and implementation of change. It aims to generate scientific knowledge that will enable the development of effective education in how healthcare professionals can treat children in a trauma-free manner. A part of Piet’s scientific work is supported by the Charlie Braveheart Foundation (www.charliebraveheart.com).
Piet Leroy (Belgium, 1969) is a pediatric critical care specialist at Maastricht University Medical Centre and has various roles within the medical curriculum at Maastricht University. After graduating as a Master in Health Professions Education (MHPE, 2017) he became a consultant for SHE collaborates.
His main research topics are procedural sedation and trauma-free medical care in children. Within these fields he has published and lectured extensively. In 2013 he received the Catharina Pijls Prize for his dissertation on the improvement of procedural sedation quality in pediatrics.
Piet organizes the bi-annual interprofessional European Conference on Pediatric Procedural Sedation & Analgesia (www.PROSAconference.com). He designed and coordinates a nationwide interprofessional curriculum for procedural comfort in children, focusing on strategies to establish trustful relationships with pediatric patients and their parents.

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