Jeroen Trienes, graduate of Knowledge Engineering at Maastricht University, is now Creative Director at Goal043. This Maastricht company develops ‘serious games’, computer games that have some purpose other than pure entertainment
Appointment of Jan Hoeijmakers, Erasmus MC (MUMC+ news).
Last week Dr. Benedikt Poser of the Department of Cognitive Neuroscience (CN) at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN) received word from the NWO (Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research) that his team received the NWO Investment Subsidy Medium grant (MaGW) from the NWO’s division of Social Sciences and Humanities.
A new institute is aiming to enhance the participation of people with occupational disabilities in the labour market. The Inclusive Labour Organisation Expertise Centre (CIAO), launched by Maastricht University in September 2016, will make insights from research available to companies, governments and social organisations.
ZonMw Grant for large-scale research into the quality of care in the final stage of dementia.
Wybo Dondorp, Associate Professor at the Department of Health, Ethics and Society, has been awarded the first prize of the European Journal of Human Genetics 2017.
Dr Henry Otgaar of Maastricht University examines how memories are formed, influenced and can even be completely made up.
The signing of the Maastricht Treaty marked the first step towards the establishment of the European Union (EU) as we know it today. Now, 25 years later, it is time to take stock.
Two months after the official project kick-off, delegates of the ten organisations participating in the ENERGISE consortium convened in Maastricht to review the work done so far and to plan the tasks ahead.