Great result for our ELSA European Human Rights Moot Court Competition team!

In September, Ruben Tans, Florentina Pircher, Alexandra Nadasan and Emilia Klebanowski were selected to represent Maastricht University in the ELSA European Human Rights Moot Court Competition (EHRMCC). The aim of this moot court competition is to simulate litigation during the trial of the European Court of Human Rights. As part of the competition, in February they had the chance to participate in the official pre-round of the EHRMCC in Odessa, Ukraine.


There they competed against teams from all over Europe and were able to advance to the finale. In the end, they managed to convince a judge panel consisting of highly qualified specialists in the field of human rights and won this pre-round. Furthermore, the team’s written contribution to the competition, consisting of two memoranda, was awarded by the jury as second best submission out of 60. This sends the young legal professionals on a journey to Strasbourg, where they will plead in the European Court of Human Rights and Council of Europe in mid-April. Their success would clearly not have been possible without their coaches Jana Trifunovic and Sejla Imamovic.

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