Five years of Brightlands Smart Services Campus

28 October 2021

The Brightlands Smart Services Campus in Heerlen recently turned five, which called for a celebration. A double commemoration in fact, since not only was it the campus’ fifth anniversary, the AI-hub Brightlands also celebrated its official opening.

The Heerlen campus is one of seven Dutch AI-hubs. A unique aspect of this development site for artificial intelligence and data science is that it focuses specifically on human-centered AI. In other words, the use of AI to work on creating sustainable wealth, and finding solutions to social and economic challenges.

Astrid Boeijen, CEO of Brightlands Smart Services Campus and trailblazer of the AI-hub Brightlands, looked back during this celebration at what has been achieved at the campus over the past five years and also looked ahead to the future. Astrid: “We will experience tremendous growth over the next five years. It is obvious that our star is rising; the campus’ enormous appeal is drawing companies, knowledge institutes and government agencies to this location. Together, we are going to create a landscape in which the Brightlands AI-hub assumes a vital role. For the city, for Limburg, and through its connection to the other hubs and the Dutch AI coalition, for the Netherlands. Everything we do is directly linked to Europe’s plans for data science and AI, and to its recovery from the Covid crisis.”