First non-invasive device to estimate vitamin K insufficiency risk

21 April 2016

VitaK Innovation in Life Science, a Maastricht University spin-off company, has launched the Vita K Meter, the first non-invasive device for monitoring the risk of vitamin K insufficiency. Vitamin K2 has an important role in preventing cardiovascular disease. About 40% of the population is at risk for clinically detectable harm caused by vitamin K insufficiency. With the new device healthcare providers may quickly assess a patient’s risk profile.

In numerous scientific papers VitaK has previously demonstrated that increased vitamin K2 intake may promote public health and contribute to a decrease of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. Vitamin K2 mainly occurs in cheese and curd. By developing innovative devices, VitaK intends to help optimizing public health. These “Point of Care” devices support real-time decision making by healthcare providers without involving, for instance, a clinical laboratory.

The Vita K Meter is clipped on the fingertip and accurately analyses the vascular condition  within 2 minutes. Its working mechanism is based on the Accelerated PlethysmoGraphy (APG) technology, with which the pulsations of the blood stream in the microvasculature of the skin are used to assess the vascular characteristics. VitaK Innovation in Life Science is the owner of the patent application by which APG is also linked to the vascular vitamin K status (patent application PCT/EP2016/053696).

“Being world’s largest research and knowledge center in the vitamin K area, VitaK has a long history in investigating of the vital importance of vitamin K2 for preventing cardiovascular disease”, says Mehrdad Omidvar, CEO of VitaK. “Our research team is dedicated to take a leading role in developing point of care devices for cardiovascular disease monitoring in integrated healthcare. To this aim VitaK, together with important strategic partners, is also developing the VITA METER, a device combining a variety of specific assays helping general practitioners and other healthcare providers to obtain real-time information needed for a quick and correct diagnosis”.

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