Mira Seyfettinoglu, alumna BA European Studies

The BA in European Studies is a truly interdisciplinary program, combining political science, history, economics and sociology. It aims to educate students in a well-rounded manner, providing the skills to be capable of analysing socio-political issues. Furthermore, my education at University Maastricht (UM) has made be become internationally literate. This is a major asset if you want to work in an environment that requires you to think beyond the national and towards the European level.

Moreover, the small-scale tutorial groups give you the chance to articulate your research findings on the issue at hand. Additionally, if time allows, the tutorials facilitate the exchange on the global news of the day: What are the implications of Brexit for Europe? Why is the creation of a European Army at the EU’s agenda? By exchanging with your fellow students, your ability to critically reflect upon a politicised issue is stimulated. Hence, UM supports its students to actively use the academic input and form scientifically-informed views. After completing my BA degree, I have qualified for the Research Master in European Studies, in which my skills in research methods are alleviated to a professional level. Being a curious and ambitious student, this Master of Science program is the right choice for me to grow intellectually. My friends, however, opted for internships at the German Society for International Cooperation or the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. You decide your way after European Studies!

Mira Seyfettinoglu (German)
Year of graduation: 2018