Bachelor Student Prize Winner | 48th Dies Natalis

Lucas Bastiaanssen

  Faculty of Law | Bachelor Tax Law

"Het dispositievereiste in het Belastingrecht - De rol van het vereiste "

Lucas's elevator pitch
"This thesis investigated the protective effect of physical activity and physical fitness in the BrainAGE biomarker using 43.000 participants from the UK Biobank. BrainAGE was computed using machine learning on structural neuroimaging data. Accelerometer-measured physical activity, but not self-reported activity was related to a decreased BrainAGE, which indicates a “younger-appearing” brain. For every added hour of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, BrainAGE decreased by 1 month. Fitness, measured in hand grip strength, resting heart rate, blood pressure, and BMI, also showed a protective effect on BrainAGE. Further, improvements in fitness mediated the effect of physical activity on the brain."

Lucas Bastiaanssen

Congratulations Lucas

In this video Lucas is addressed briefly by the immediate supervisor.