
Re-imagining Law for Sustainable Globalization: Navigating Uncertainty in a Globalized Era

The Globalization and Law Network invites you to the TEGL Annual Conference. The conference is aimed at scholars, practitioners, and experts wanting to contribute to an engaging exploration of the intricate relationship between law and uncertainty. In an era marked by unprecedented global challenges—from social and humanitarian crises to climate emergencies—the conference seeks to transcend traditional views of law solely as a mitigator of uncertainty. Instead, we aim to explore the diverse conditions under which law can enable or create uncertainties.  

The conference encourages submissions that scrutinize the nuanced interactions between law and uncertainty in the context of contemporary planetary crises. Embracing an interdisciplinary perspective, we invite papers and panels from any legal area, embracing multiple approaches. Theoretical and methodological discussions are welcomed, challenging conventional liberal conceptualizations of law. Empirical work showcasing the impact of uncertainty and globalization on social orders is particularly encouraged. 

The conference focuses on the four TEGL research streams: 1) Constitutionalism and Subjects of Globalization; 2) Economic Law and Globalization’s Infrastructures; 3) Courts, Science and Legitimacy; 4) National and Regional Institutions as Global Actors.  

PhD Researchers will be given the opportunity to present their work and to receive dedicated, individualised feedback on their paper from peers and senior scholars.  

This event is organized within and supported by the Sector Plan ‘Transformative Effects of Globalization and Law’ (TEGL) and the Globalization and Law Network (GlawNet, Maastricht).

For inquiries and further information, please contact glawnet-fdr@maastrichtuniversity.nl.


Day 1 – 16 December


1st PhD Session

PHD Session - Panel 1: Uncertainty and Value Chains Regulation (ROOM B0.115)
Senior Expert: André Nunes Chaib and Rebecca Ravalli

  • Ranchun Wang, Navigating Global Value Chain Uncertainty in the Geoeconomic Era: A Legal Perspective for EU Corporate Governance  
  • Kunhao Yang, Re-imagining Law for Sustainable Globalization: Navigating Uncertainty in a Globalized Era
  • Liam Siry, Conference of the Party decisions – simple implementation guidance or norm development?

PHD Session - Panel 2: Uncertainty and the Protection of the Environment & Biodiversity (ROOM B0.118)
Senior Expert: Mariolina Eliantonio

  • Juan Collado Perez-Llantada, The Case of Antibiotic Use in Animal Husbandry in the European Union: The Development of Antimicrobial Resistance as a Reason to Facilitate NGO Access to Justice 
  • Rebecca Fenn, Systemic biodiversity litigation: using litigation to address global drivers of biodiversity loss  
  • Pietro Mattioli, The Xylella fastidiosa outbreak and the transformation of the EU plant health regime 


2nd PhD Session

PHD Session - Panel 3: Uncertainty & Law’s Foundations (ROOM B0.115)
Senior Expert: Prof. Marta Pertegas 

  • Sharngan Aravindakshan, Courts and Macro-Consequences: A Study of Public Interest Litigation in the US, India and South Africa 
  • Dmitrii Shchetinin, The Impact of Armed Conflicts on Judicial Behaviour in International Commercial Disputes: Evidence from Crimea  
  • Kristijonas Povylius, Legal Prediction as a Unique Legal Concept 

PHD Session - Panel 4: Uncertainty & Corporations: Regulating Human Rights Obligations (ROOM B0.118)
Senior Expert: Mark Kawakami

  • Begüm Kilimcioğlu, Instrumentalizing Contracts as Part of Private Governance Efforts to Address Adverse Human Rights Impacts in Global Value Chains 
  • Soumya Rajsingh, Revisiting Human Rights Obligations for Transnational Corporations: Advancing Investor Human Rights Accountability Within Global Investment Frameworks With A South Asian Perspective 
  • Luca Tenreira, The Corporate Art of Concealing Uncertainty: Black-boxing Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence 

12:00Coffee, tea and lunch for the PHD Sessions (ROOMS B0.115+118)

Coffee and tea (ROOM Law Cafe)
12:30Introduction (ROOM Statenzaal)
Welcome: Prof Jan Smits (Dean of the Law Faculty) and Prof. Mariolina Eliantonio 
12:45Keynote Session I (ROOM Statenzaal)
Keynote: Prof. Mireille Hildebrandt
Moderator: André Nunes Chaib
14:00Coffee Break (ROOM Law Cafe)

Panel Session I

Session I - Panel 1: Conceptualising Power and Governance in the DSA: What EU Framework for Mitigating Hate Speech, Disinformation, and Other Systemic Risks? (ROOM D0.221)
Panel Chair: Valentina Golunova

  • Marta Maroni, The DSA and Digital Neoliberal Constitutionalism 

  • Valentina Golunova, Post-Truth Elections: The DSA’s Potential to Combat AI-Generated Electoral Disinformation 

  • Mateus Correia De Carvalho, Digital Regulation by Tug-of-War: Contested Systemic Risk Assessments in the Digital Services Act

  • Stevi Kitsou and Alex Soroiu, Taming Digital Hate Speech? Assessing the Role of Codes of Conduct under the Digital Services Act    

Session I - Panel 2: Transformative Law as a New Type of Legality (I) (ROOM D0.225)
Panel Chair: Marija Bartl 

  • Laura Mai, Navigating transformations: Climate change and international law 
  • Catherine Brölmann, The Transformative Potential of Public International Law 
  • Balazs Bodo, Change to stay the same - the paradox of transformative law in face of relentless technological disruption   
  • Andrea Leiter, Transformative Law with an Anarchist Squint – Notes on Cryptostatecraft    

Session I - Panel 3: Towards a New Environmental Law of the Sea? Navigating Legal Uncertainties in Warming Oceans (ROOM D0.227)
Panel Chair: Henrique Marcos 

  • Henrique Marcos, Legal Discretion and Constraining Criteria in Environmental Law of the Sea 
  • Barbara Mourão Sachett, The Impact of the ITLOS Climate Change Advisory Opinion on Litigation in International Courts and Tribunals 
  • Julia Schutz Veiga, What Role does the ITLOS Climate Change Advisory Opinion play in the Status of Marine Technology Transfer?    
  • Paulo Henrique Reis de Oliveira, Maritime Transport and Climate Change: The Impact of the ITLOS Advisory Opinion

Session I - Panel 4: Property, Globalization and Neoliberalism in the Digital Age (ROOM B0.115)
Panel Chair: Eline Couperus

  • Otto Bruun, Exploring actionable rethinking of property 

  • Mattia Elia,The freedom to conduct business in the case law of the European Court of Justice: how human rights law creates socioeconomic and ecological uncertainty 

  • Mariavittoria Catanzariti, Navigating Uncertainty Through Digital Solidarity in the European Health Data Space

16:00Coffee Break (ROOM Law Cafe)

Panel Session II

Session II - Panel 1: International Trade and Economic Law: Navigating Legal and Policy Challenges (ROOM D0.221)
Panel Chair: Belén Gracia

  • María Belén Gracia, The Plastics Treaty Negotiations and Trade-Related Measures: Legal certainty v. Policy Uncertainty.

  • Béatrice Schütte, Advancing the Digital Circular Economy: Legal Foundations for the increased use of AI and Data 

Session II - Panel 2: Transformative law as a new type of legality (II) (ROOM D0.225)
Panel Chair: Marija Bartl

  • Kristina Irion, Can European data law transform private data ordering?  

  • Klaas Eller, Transformative Legalities of the EU Green Deal: Leveraging Time, Territory, and Techniques”  

  • Jennifer de Lange, How Transformative is EU’s Sustainable Finance Agenda?  

  • Emile Zitzke, Transformative Private Law in South Africa  

  • Marija Bartl, Concluding remarks 

Session II - Panel 3: Who transforms what? Reflections on law and transformation through exploring the appearance of law in grassroots spaces (ROOM D0.227)
Panel ChairAndrea Leiter

  • Vladimir Bogoeski, The role of law in agroecological transformations from below
  • Nairita Roy Chaudhuri, The transformative potential of agrarian lawscapes
  • Matthew Canfield, Beyond Privacy: Epistemic Rights as Human Rights in Agricultural Data Governance

Session II - Panel 4: Roundtable on STS and the Law: Interdisciplinary Reflections (ROOM B0.115)
Panel Chair: Marta Maroni

  • Sally Wyatt

  • Luca Tenreira

  • Riikka Koulu

  • Anna Beckers

Session II - Panel 5: Global Governance and Constitutionalism in a Fragmented World (ROOM B0.118)
Panel Chair: Merijn Chamon

  • Marijn van der Sluis, The Constitutional Dimensions of the European Green Deal 
  • Franco Peirone, Change, Stability, or Immutability: What Does the Rule of Law Serve?
  • Yiting Guo, Privacy in Public? An Analysis of Public Personal Information in Comparative Law Perspective 


18:00Drinks (ROOM Law Cafe)

Day 2 – 17 December


Keynote II (ROOM Statenzaal)
Keynote: Prof. Iyiola Solanke

Moderator: Mariolina Eliantonio


Closing Remarks (ROOM Statenzaal)



Coffee Break



Panel Session III

Session III - Panel 1: Law and Global Challenges: Navigating Uncertainty in Rights and Sustainability (ROOM D0.221)
Panel Chair: Skander Galand

  • Margherita Croce, European Green Deal Coherence and Equity: Standard-Setting in the New Forest Strategy 
  • Hans Lindahl, Lawmaking in the Accusative 
  • Enza Cirone, The Intersection of Science and Law: The CJEU's Interpretation of the Precautionary Principle 
  • Yong Zhou, Glocalizing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in the P.R. China and Taiwan 
  • Kris van der Pas, Litigating for a public interest: judicial approaches to access to courts in class actions in a comparative perspective

Session III - Panel 2: Globalization and the Role of Regional and Supranational Legal Institutions/Global Value Chains, Corporations and the Law (ROOM D0.225)
Panel Chair: Rebecca Ravalli 

  • Cristina Teleki, The Price of Knowing Your Neighbor: De-Oligarchisation Laws in Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine as a Quest for Certainty   
  • Miguel Angel Sevilla-Duro, A Legal and Economic Analysis of the Development and Success of Regional Integration Processes    
  • Giuseppe Di Vetta, The Rise of Transnational Due Diligence Laws: An Inter-legal Pathway to tackle with GVCs related Injustice   
  • Zhonghua Du, International Law as Invitation: Reconfiguring the Relationship between Law, Global Corporations, and Responsibilities in the Era of Paris Agreement
  • Mattthias Vanhullebusch, Global Governance and Norms in (Times of) Crisis: Towards a Relational Normativity 

Session III - Panel 3: EU Law and Local Conflicts: Between Disruption and Transformation (ROOM B0.115)
Panel Chair: Prof. Sarah Schoenmakers

  • Carlo Colombo, Structuring an EU city-specific law through social conflicts: perspective on urban mobility
  • Leticia Díez Sánchez, The local conflicts of Cohesion Policy: between rural and urban, poor and rich
  • Candida Leone, Localising energy justice through contract justice in Europe – current state, potential and pitfalls
  • Giacomo Tagiuri, The Conflicts that Make European Society

Session III - Panel 4: Book launch. Disconnecting Sovereignty: How Data Fragmentation Reshapes the Law (ROOM B0.118)
Panel Chair: Marta Maroni
Introductory comments: Mariavittoria Catanzariti

  • Plixavra Vogiatzoglou
  • Tommaso Fia
  • Antonia Waltermann
  • Mónica García-Salmones

12:30Conference Lunch and Farewell to Participants (ROOM Law Cafe)

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