Sustainable Buildings 2.0 | Healthy Buildings and Human Performance


Why Sustainable Buildings 2.0?

People spend about 90% of their time indoors, yet the impact of indoor climate on human health and productivity remains largely unknown. Due to major advances in sensor technology, data on indoor and outdoor climate has become more prevalent over the last couple of years. This has led to major new insights into the implications of outdoor and indoor climate on human performance, and of the role of buildings therein. 

Exciting new research results are emerging at major universities all over the world and Maastricht University plays a leading role in this. In the Sustainable Buildings 2.0 conference, we bring together renowned speakers from around the world, including researchers from schools such as Harvard and MIT, as well as representatives from companies such as Edge Technologies and WeWork. Participation in the conference is limited.

The registration fee for this conference is € 295. 


9:30 Registration at Ad Fundum (Tongerestraat 53) + Coffee and Vlaai
10.00 Conference Opening at H0.06 (Tongerestraat 53)
10.10 Morning Program – The Macro Perspectives:

"Dark Cities"
Chair: Steffen Kuenn (Maastricht University)

  • Sefi Roth (LSE) -- “Dirty density: Air quality and the density of American cities”
  • Nico Pestel (IZA) -- “Low Emission Zones for Better Health: Evidence from German Hospitals”
  • Juan Palacios (MIT) -- "Indoor Air Quality and Cognitive Performance"

"Advances in Measurement Technology"
Chair: Piet Eichholtz (Maastricht University)

  • Barend Ording (Airbus) -- "New instruments to Measure Pollution from Satellites"
  • Melissa Lunder (Aclima) -- "Hyperlocal Measurements of Pollution"
  • Erik Ubels (Edge Technology) -- "Big Data, Health, and Human Performance"

12.30 Walk to Lumière Cinema (Bassin 88, 6211 AK Maastricht)
13.00 Lunch 
14.00 Afternoon Programme –  The Micro Perspectives:

"Hot Cities"
Chair: Paul Smeets (Maastricht University)

  • Siqi Zheng (MIT) -- "Extreme Temperatures and Outdoor Recreation Activities: Evidence from Park Visitation in China"

  • Martijn Stroom (Maastricht University) -- "Temperature Shocks and Human Psychology"

  • Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt (Maastricht University) -- "An Optimal Indoor Climate: Compromise Between Health and Comfort?"

"Design and Investment for Health"
Chair: Nils Kok (Maastricht University)

  • Seema Bhangar (WeWork) -- “Creating a Healthy, Productive Space”

  • Piet Eichholtz (Maastricht University) -- “Sustainability 2.0 -- The Benefits of Healthy Buildings”

  • Parag Rastogi (Arbnco) -- "An Investment Perspective on Health in Buildings"

16.20 Tea Break
16.40 Keynote: Prof. Joe Allen (Harvard)
17.30 Conference Closing + Drinks Reception
19.00 Conference Dinner – Invitation Only


This event is sponsored by Universiteitsfonds Limburg.