23 Sep
20:00 - 22:30
Studium Generale | Interview

Srebrenica - Interview with Joris Voorhoeve

On 11 July 1995, the Bosnian Serb general Mladic captured the Srebrenica enclave, where 40,000 refugees were living, and which had been declared a ‘safe area’ by the UN. Thousands of Bosnian men were killed. 

Tonight, Joris Voorhoeve, Minister of Defence at that time, discusses questions like: Could this genocide have been prevented and how? What was the role of the UN, of the Netherlands and of the allies? Have we learned lessons from this failure? How can the international community protect civilians in times of war? 
Voorhoeve does not avoid the most painful questions, even the most painful for himself.

A portrait of Joris Voorhoeve