21 Oct
09:00 - 17:30

Research Festival

Have you often wondered what your colleagues are working on? Would you like to know more about this or that research project that has been awarded? Would you like to find out what these new legal research methods are all about? Are you curious to meet your new and old colleagues and learn about their research?

Join the Research Festival on 21 October!

The Festival offers researchers an opportunity to showcase their research and present research plans to the faculty community, and to discuss common challenges and opportunities.

The goal is to present research conducted at our faculty to both staff and students, to inspire the use of different methods, to discuss common challenges, or just to hear what people are working on. The festival will provide a platform to share research through poster presentations, pitches, academic speed dating and workshops. Insights into possible tools and methods will be provided through a number of demo’s and during the workshop sessions.

After the sessions, there will be ample opportunity to continue discussions over drinks.

We hope to see you there!




09.00-09.30 Coffee and walk in (room B0.006)
09.30-10.00 Opening & 5 minute pitches (room B0.006)

Showcases round I
- Topic A: Tableau/Case Law Analytics (room B0.115) 
- Topic B: Law in a globalizing society: regulation and protection (room B0.118)

11.00-11.30 Coffee break and poster presentations (room B0.006)

Showcases round II
- Topic A: Tableau/Case Law Analytics (room B0.115)
- Topic B: Law in a globalizing society: regulation and protection (room B0.118)

12.30-13.30 Lunch & 5 minute pitches (room B0.006)
13.30-14.15 Science speed dating (room B0.006)
14.15-15.15 Workshop round I
- Topic A: Computational methods for legal research questions. Topic modeling and webscraping (room B0.115)
- Topic B: What is legal research? (room B0.118)
15.15-15.45 Coffee break and poster presentations (room B0.006)

Workshop round II
- Topic A: Computational methods for legal research questions. Topic modeling and webscraping (room B0.115)
- Topic B: What is legal research? (room B0.118)

16.45-17.00 Closing remarks (Common room)
17.00-18.00 Drinks (Common room)

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