Recharacterising International Disputes: Exploring the Phenomenon of Multi-Fora Litigation
The global landscape has seen an uptick in the utilization of international and regional courts, with a broader set of norms and circumstances now subject to adjudication. This pattern raises questions about the reasons behind such recharacterization, the appropriate methods for judicial bodies to handle these cases, and the broader implications for the international legal order. This academic conference seeks to provide a forum to discuss these questions and to facilitate further research on this important and timely topic.
This is a hybrid conference.
Registration is free of charge, but please note that there is a limited number of seats available at the conference venue.
Registration for both online and in-person attendance can be completed by clicking on the green registration button.
Day 1: Wednesday 12 June 2024
11:45 | Lunch |
12:45 | Welcome and Introduction ● Prof Jure Vidmar, Dr Alexandre Skander Galand and Dr Craig Eggett (Maastricht University) |
13:00 | Panel 1: Theorising the Recharacterisation of International Disputes Chair: Prof Liesbeth Lijnzaad (Maastricht University; International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea) ● Dr Kei Nakajima (University of Tokyo): A dispute arises, with several aspects: the construction and deconstruction of the notion of dispute in international adjudication - UNCLOS ● Matina Papadaki (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) and Dr James Devaney (University of Glasgow): Is There a Need to Recharacterise International Disputes? A Prismatic Approach to International Adjudication - examples from ICJ cases ● Irene Miano (Geneva Graduate Institute): Trespassing on the boundaries of jurisdiction? Argumentative strategies at the International Court of Justice ● Dr Gregor Maučec (University of Amsterdam): Moving into Uncharted Waters: Comparative Intuitive-Cognitive Judging at International Criminal Courts |
14:45 | Break |
15:00 | Panel 2: Recharaterisation and Multi-Fora Litigation at the International Court of Justice Chair: Dr Fabián Raimondo (Maastricht University) ● Prof Nikolaos Voulgaris (European Law and Governance School): Utilizing the ICJ in a Multi-Forum Litigation Strategy ● Dr Sarah Thin (Radboud University Nijmegen): From Consent to Community: Embracing Systemic Integration in Re-characterised Disputes ● Dr Michael Becker (Trinity College Dublin): Multi-Fora Litigation and Third-Party Fact-Finding ● Dr Cecily Rose (Leiden University): Multi-fora Litigation of War Reparations following the ‘Second Congo War’ |
16:45 | Break |
17:00 | Panel 3: Recharacterisation and Multi-Fora Litigation in Climate Change Cases Chair: Prof Marjan Peeters (Maastricht University) ● Sidney Tambasi (Afronomicslaw Academic Forum): The African Human Rights System and Regional Economic Communities Courts as a new frontier in the rise of climate change disputes: A Study of their Jurisdictions and its Application ● Dmitrii Kuznetsov (Gothenburg University): Judicial strategies in adjudicating climate change disputes ● Matilde Masetti Piacci (University of Edinburgh): The Waiting Room: Narratives, Epistemic Communities, and the Climate Change Advisory Opinions ● Dr Maria Antonia Tigre (Sabin Center for Climate Change Law) & Prof Armando Rocha (Catholic University, Portugal): Cooperation and Competition in Climate Change Advisory Opinions |
Day 2: Thursday 13 June 2024
09:00 | Panel 4: Recharacterisation and Multi-Fora Litigation in International Economic Law Chair: Dr Iveta Alexovičová (Maastricht University) ● Daria Efimova (City, University of London): Overlapping Authority to Take Interim Measures in International Commercial Arbitration ● Dr Michelle Q Zang (Victoria University of Wellington): Multi-Fora Litigation of International Economic Disputes: A Critique of Platform Plurality ● Dr Laura Aragonés Molina (University of Alcalá): Multiple Fora and Concurrent Proceedings in light of the Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform ● Dr Ajay Kumar (University of Bradford): Re-characterising International Tax Disputes as Investment Disputes |
10:45 | Break |
11:00 | Panel 5: Recharacterisation and Multi-Fora Litigation in Human Rights Cases Chair: Prof Jure Vidmar (Maastricht University) ● Antoine De Spiegeleir (European University Institute): Weaving the Legal Tapestry: Exploring Intertextuality in Multi-Fora Litigation ● Dr Antal Berkes (University of Liverpool): Multi-Fora Litigation in international human rights law after Russia’s expulsion from the Council of Europe: where to challenge human rights violations in separatist areas? ● Dr Annick Pijnenburg (Radboud University Nijmegen) and Kris van der Pas (Radboud University Nijmegen): Litigating Third Country Processing Agreements: The Added Value of a Multi-Level Legal Order? |
12:30 | Lunch |
13:30 | Closing Session |