27 Jan
10:00 - 16:00
Maastricht Private Law Lecture 2017

Prof. dr. Reinhard Zimmermann


The Maastricht Private Law Lecture, hosted by the Maastricht Department of Private Law, is an annual event at which a most distinguished scholar is invited to give a lecture on a topic related to the wide field of private law. The lecture is preceded by an interactive seminar with PhD-researchers.

The 2017 Maastricht Private Law Lecture will be given by Prof. dr. Reinhard Zimmermann (Director of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg).

Programme of Friday 27 January 2017

10.00-12.00 Research seminar with PhD-researchers and Prof. dr. Reinhard Zimmermann

12.00-13.00 Lunch

14.15-14.30 Registration and coffee and tea

14.30-14.35 Welcome by Prof. dr. Jan Smits

14.35-15.45 Lecture by Prof. dr. Reinhard Zimmermann: Does the Law of Succession Reflect Cultural Differences? Followed by discussion

16.00 Drinks

Registration is free.
PhD-researchers wishing to participate in the seminar are expected to give a 5 minutes-presentation of their work.

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