13 Dec

PhD conferral Mw.drs. Antoinetta J.M. Beijers

Supervisors: prof.dr. V. Tjan-Heijnen; prof.dr. L. van de Poll-Franse
Co-supervisors: dr. G. Vreugdenhil; dr. F. Mols

“Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: an underestimated side effect with major impact on quality of life”

Keywords: chemotherapy, peripheral neuropathy, treatment

Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy is a common side effect of many chemotherapeuticals. This dissertation has found that in a group of 1,643 patients with colon cancer and 156 patients with multiple myeloma, approximately one-third of patients have tingling hands and feet for up to 13 years after diagnosis. Patients who experience this side effect report scores indicating a far worse quality of life (64 vs. 79) than people without symptoms of neuropathy. The higher the total dose administered, the more symptoms people have. This gives us a point of departure for the improvement of care for these people. A better monitoring of symptoms during treatment and identification of patients who are at an increased risk of developing neuropathy allow us to draw up a tailored treatment plan.

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