Opening Academic Year 2019/2020

The Opening of the Academic Year 2019/2020 on Monday 2 September revolves around 'Science+, Engineering for society' and the question of how to best communicate the societal value of (fundamental) scientific research.

After a short introduction by Professor Martin Paul, President of Maastricht University, inspiring speakers will share their ideas on this year’s theme. Nobel Laureate Barry Barish   will be providing an inspiring keynote lecture. The experimental physicist received the award for his scientific and managerial contribution to the observation of gravitational waves.

The other speakers are:

During the academic session, the UM Student Award and the Edmond Hustinx Award for science will be awarded.

OAY 2019 speakers
From left: Prof. Barish, Prof. Hild, Prof. Joordens and Prof. Claessens

Morning programme with students

In the morning, students present their plans to diversify the groups of people reached by science outreach activities. More information on the student competition is available on the intranet.

Last year's winner of the student contest: UM Cup

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