28 Oct

Online PhD conferral mr. Pierre-Maxence Vaysse

Supervisors: prof.dr. R.M.A. Heeren, prof.dr. S.W.M. Olde Damink

Co-supervisor: dr. T. Porta Siegel

Key words: real-time, metabolic profiling, surgery, cancer, pathology

"Real-Time Molecular Patterns to support Intraoperative Decision-Making"

Real-time metabolic profiling represents a new technique for rapid tissue diagnostics, with the potential to improve clinical decisions, especially during tumour removal surgery. This research contributes to proving the reliability of a metabolic profiling technology through a cross-continental multicentre study on breast cancer. This study establishes the technology’s potential to provide relevant tissue classification beyond the information provided by histopathology during real-time guidance of breast-conserving surgery by the molecular alterations surrounding breast tumours. Furthermore, the research elaborates on the tumour typing of primary and metastatic liver tumours and on the specific metabolic shifts shared by necrotic tumours, which could be used in precision cancer medicine.

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