15 May 16 May

Limburg Leads

On 15 and 16 May, MECC Maastricht will become the business epicentre of the Euregion. Not only is it the place to meet successful entrepreneurs and speakers, for two days it will also be the ultimate knowledge centre focusing on the themes circularity & sustainability, digitalisation, talent and health.

The Euregion is a growing and uniquely powerful area that boasts successful entrepreneurs and business potential. Where are these entrepreneurs? And how do these entrepreneurs and managers tackle current themes that interest you? Limburg Leads addresses these issues by bringing leaders and entrepreneurs together. This business platform makes it easier for every entrepreneur to make these connections and engage in valuable interactions. After all, in today’s digital age, face-to-face meetings between the right people are still vital.

Limburg Leads takes ‘the lead’ and facilitates, but it’s up to you to create success. During this two-day event, we will welcome entrepreneurs and professional experts who can strengthen one another and boost each other’s success, and that of the Euregion. We place the ball in front of the goal; it’s up to you to score.

Limburg Leads presents inspiring leaders and big names who will take the stage and provide insights that will be a true eye-opener for many entrepreneurs. We create valuable networking opportunities involving themes with impact and the innovative networking tool, GRIP, will help you take a proactive approach to ensuring you’re in touch with the right people. The programme for both days can be found here

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