Launching UM Network for Parents & Carers

UM Cares presents:

In 2019 the Executive Board initiated the UM Cares project, and committed to taking steps to make UM more family friendly. Since then, many UM students and staff with caring responsibilities have expressed their wish for a support system at UM. During summer 2020, the UM Cares project coordinator and members of the UM community discussed the setup of a network for parents and carers. This network is a place for peer-to-peer support, both for practical and emotional support, and also functions as a sounding board for the UM Cares project.

The D&I Office is proud to announce the launching event of the UM network for parents and carers on Thursday 12 November between 12:00-14:00.

Programme (12.00 - 13.45)

  • Introduction: UM Cares project updated and introducing the network: stories of parents and carers of the UM by dr. Natasja Reslow
  • Keynote | Combining work/study caring responsibilities by dr. Inge Houkes
  • Energiser break by UM Sports - Nadine Chudy
  • Keynote | Introduction on achieving a work-life balance by Prof. Angelique de Rijk
  • Interactive sessions:
    • Workshop work-life balance (English) by Ms Angelique de Rijk
    • Mantelzorg (Dutch) by Ms Tanja Goessen of Steunpunt Mantelzorg Zuid
    • Study and caring (English) by Ms Tessa Fox - Study advisor
    • Studeren en zorgtaken (Dutch) by Ms Judith Kraal - Student dean
    • Parenting abroad (English) by Ms Sam Welie - Expat Centre Maastricht Region
    • Kinderopvang in Maastricht (Dutch) by Ms Constance Sommerey
  • Wrap up dr. Mark Kawakami

The main language of this event will be English, but breakout rooms will take place in both English and Dutch. An email with the final programme and breakout sessions, plus the Zoom link will be sent to you a day before the event.

For the programme and organisation of this event we collaborate with colleagues from the department of social medicine, study advisors, managers and the platform Steunpunt Mantelzorg Zuid (in Dutch) and the Expat Centre Maastricht Region. The Executive board is represented by Rector Magnificus Rianne Letschert. She will unveil the name of the network.

Please register for the event via the green button or this link.

If you have any questions about the event, please contact us via

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