23 Nov
Are you the right material?

Brightlands Chemelot Talent Day 2018

The Brightlands Chemelot Talent Day is an interactive day for students in intermediate and higher-level vocational and university-level technical programs. Together with over 30 companies and educational institutions, Chemelot Industrial Park and Brightlands Chemelot Campus will introduce young talent to the many educational and career opportunities available at the site.

Why is this day so important?

Limburg aims to become a world-class player in innovation and technology. The ambition of Chemelot Industrial Park and Brightlands Chemelot Campus is to become the most competitive and sustainable chemicals and materials community in Western Europe. In order to achieve this goal, the organizations need plenty of qualified students and employees. Unfortunately, recent research has shown that students and young professionals know very little about the educational and business possibilities at the location. With this event, initiators Chemelot Industrial Park, Brightlands Chemelot Campus, Maastricht University and CHILLabs hope to change all that.

Own choice programme

Session Audience Domain
Interactive session Zuyd Applied Science (incl. Lab Tour)
Kickoff to a path towards growth
MBO 1/2/3
Interactive session Zuyd Engineering
Excellence for a future with focus
MBO 1/2
Interactive session Maastricht University
Biobased Materials Challenge
HBO/WO 1/2/3
Interactive session Biotechnology MBO/HBO/WO 3
Chemelot Industrial Park Tour MBO/HBO/WO 1/2/3
Brightlands Campus Tour MBO/HBO/WO 1/2/3

Make a choice during registration

Domain 1: Research and Development, Chemistry and Materials
Domain 2: Productions Chemistry and Materials
Domain 3: Research and Development, Production in Biomedical

Continuous programme

Time Session
08:30 - 09:15
09:30 - 10:15
Reception and registration MBO
Reception and registration HBO/WO
09:15 - 09:45
10:15 - 10:45
Plenary kick off (MBO)
Plenary kick off (HBO/WO)
11:45 - 14:00 Lunch and drinks
09:30 - 15:30 Innovation market
09:30 - 15:30 Job and traineeships
08:30 - 16:00 Brightlands Expo
09:30 - 15:30 Living in Limburg

Brightlands Chemelot Talent Day 2017 impression

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