Book Launch: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; Strategically Moving Forward


On Wednesday, 29th January 2025, the Maastricht Centre for Human Rights will organise a hybrid seminar/book launch with the theme: 

Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Strategically Moving Forward

In recent months, two books were published by members of the Maastricht Centre for Human Rights in the AHRI Human Rights series. ‘Human Rights Strategies: Benefits and Drawbacks’, edited by Dr. Ingrid Westendorp, and ‘Socio-economic Rights, Inequalities and Vulnerability in Times of Crises: Building Back Better’, edited by Prof. Dr. Andrea Broderick and Dr. Jennifer Sellin. The second book was written in honour of Prof. Dr. Fons Coomans.

In light of both of these recent publications, the time is ripe to reflect, and take a forward-looking perspective, on the manner in which human rights institutions, mechanisms, and processes can build back better in the wake of crises, to ensure a more equitable enjoyment of socio-economic rights. Human rights strategies may contribute to the protection of socio-economic rights, but besides benefits, such strategies may also have drawbacks.

Several speakers will discuss and create synergies between the topics of both books, while Prof. Dr. Philip Alston will give the keynote address.

This seminar will launch both books mentioned above, and at the same time put the spotlight on Prof. Dr. Fons Coomans, who retired two years ago and to whom the liber amicorum will be presented.

We hope many of you can join us in the discussion!


10.00 - 10.40Reception with tea/coffee and registration
10.40 - 10.45Opening by the chair: Dr. Alexandre Skander Galand, Maastricht University
10.45 - 11.00Introduction by the book editors: Prof. dr. Andrea Broderick, Dr. Ingrid Westendorp and Dr. Jennifer Sellin, Maastricht University
11.00 - 11.45Keynote address: Prof. dr. Philip Alston, New York University
11.45 -12.30

Discussant: Prof. dr. Fons Coomans, Maastricht University

Discussion with the audience

12.30 - 12.40Welcome by the Dean of the Law Faculty: Prof. dr. Jan Smits, Maastricht University
12.40 - 13.40Lunch break
13.40 - 14.55Presentations by Dr. Gustavo Arosemena and Dr. Nikolaos Papadopoulos, Maastricht University

Discussant: Prof. dr. Cees Flinterman, Maastricht University
Discussion with the audience
14.55 - 16.10Presentations by Dr. Vanessa Tünsmeyer, University of Groningen and Dr. Dalia Palombo, Tilburg University

Discussant: Shuyuan Zhang, Maastricht University
Discussion with the audience
16.10 - 16.20Presenting the liber amicorum to Prof. dr. Fons Coomans by Prof. dr. Cees Flinterman and closure
16.20 - 17.00Drinks

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