25 Years Maastricht Treaty
Celebrating the successes and facing the challenges
25 years ago, when the Maastricht Treaty entered into force, a provision was introduced into the European treaty system, which proclaimed the institutionalisation of a European citizenship. Initially considered as no more than a symbolic gesture, Union Citizenship has evolved remarkably during the past decades. Since the end of the 1990s, many - sometimes highly controversial - rulings from the European Court of Justice have revealed the considerable potential of this concept. EU citizenship, according to several judgements of the Court, is even destined to be the fundamental status of nationals of the Member States.
During this event, we celebrated the successes of the Treaty, but also discussed challenges for the European Union and its citizens in these days of political difficulties caused by the BREXIT referendum, agitated populist voices against the European integration process and actions by some member states’ governments against established principles of the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary.
Maastricht Manifesto
In the Maastricht Manifesto , we underlined that the European Union is not only a union of states but it is – maybe even more so - a union of citizens. It is the European Citizen who is building the European Union. In close cooperation with all our partners in the field, we will continue to exchange information and work together towards better cross-border policies and solutions for citizens. Because the citizen’s trust and belief in the union is of utmost importance for the future of Europe.

09.00 - 09.45 Registration 25 Years Maastricht Treaty: Looking back and looking forward 10.40 - 11.10 FIRST PANEL: 11.10 - 11.40 SECOND PANEL: 11.40 - 12.10 Discussion with Young People from all over Europe and Peter van der Hijden, Previously EU commission Brussels 12.10 - 12.20 Jaap Hoeksma, The Maastricht Model: A Present for Europe |

List of speakers
Roger Casale
Roger is the Founder and Secretary General of New Europeans, a civil rights organisation which has just won the Schwarzkopf Europe Award. In 2009 he was made a Commendatore dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana in 2009 for services to British-Italian bi-lateral relations. In 2017 he won the Financial Times Future of Britain Award for his proposal a "Green Card for Europe". He is a former UK Member of Parliament and has also lived, worked and studied in Germany and Italy where he lives now.
Brendan Donnelly
Brendan is the Director of The Federal Trust, a pro-European think tank. From 1994 he served as a Conservative MEP but left the party to co-found Pro-Euro Conservative Party in 1999 but failed to get elected. He stood in the 2009 elections as a Yes2Europe candidate and again in 2014 as a candidate for the 4 Freedoms Party.
Maria Laura Franciosi
Maria Laura Franciosi is a freelance journalist on European affairs. Previously she worked for the foreign service of ANSA (the biggest Italian News Agency) from 1977 to 2001 in Rome, then London and moved to Brussels in 1993 as head of service. Maria Laura was the founding Chair of the Press Club Brussels Europe and was a candidate for the Senate for Partito Democratico in the 2018 Italian elections
Luca Jahier (TBC)
Luca Jahier is the President of the European Economic and Social Committee. He was elected President in 2018 and will serve until 2020.
Peter van der Hijden
Peter is an independent expert, moderator and public speaker on higher education and research. Peter has worked more than two decades for the European Commission in Brussels, where he helped to build the Erasmus Programme and has held the post of Head of Sector Higher Education Policy (Modernising Universities, Bologna Process) in Directorate General Education and Culture. Peter also held posts in DG Transport and Energy (inland waterways) and DG Research and Innovation (European Research Area and Horizon 2020). A Dutch citizen, Peter has studied law in Nijmegen and Leiden and graduated from Maastricht University, the place where he started his career as Vice-Registrar and Policy Officer for Research and Education.
Jaap Hoeksma
Jaap Hoeksma is a legal philosopher and the author of the recently published Theory of Democratic Integration (September 2018) which is the first political theory to account for the dual character of the EU as both a Union of States and a Union of Citizens. This theory brings about a revolutionary breakthrough in EU research as it replaces the traditional Westphalian paradigm of states with the civic perspective of democracy and the rule of law.
Dora Kostakopoulou
Dora (Theodora) Kostakopoulou is professor of European Union Law, European Integration and Public Policy at Warwick University. Dora Kostakopoulou joined Warwick Law School in September 2012 as Professor of European Union Law, European Integration and Public Policy. Formerly, she was Jean Monnet Professor in European Law and European Integration and Co-director of the Institute of Law, Economy and Global Governance at the University of Manchester (2005-2011) and Professor of European Union Law and Director of the Centre for European Law at the University of Southampton (2011-2012). Dora's work and background are interdisciplinary: European Union Law and Politics, Legal and Political Theory, Law and Public Policy, Citizenship, Nationality, Integration and Migration Law and Governance.
Philippe Mazuel
Philippe is the President of PACE, Party of the Citizens of Europe and a former advisor to French Prime Minister Laurent Fabius. Prior to setting up PACE, Philippe had a career in business after serving as a tank commander in the French army.
Dagmar Schiek
Dagmar is a professor of law and holds a Jean Monnet ad personam Chair in EU Law and Policy. She directs the Centre of European and Transnational Studies (CETS), which comprises Queen's University Belfast's Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE). The JMCE' 3 year research programme "Tensions at the Fringes of the European Union" (TREUP) was funded by the European Commission until August 2018. From 2008, she has held two consecutive research grants on the EU’s socio-economic constitutionalism (2008-2010, 2011-2014), and has led a research study for the European Parliament on EU social and labour rights under internal market law, in cooperation with colleagues from CERIC (Leeds).
Hildegard Schneider
Hildegard Schneider is Professor of European Union Law at the Law Faculty of Maastricht University. She served as dean of the faculty between 2011 and 2017. In her research, she is particularly interested in EU Internal Market law, the free movement of persons, EU citizenship and EU migration and asylum law, as well as EU policies in the field of regional cooperation, education and culture including the recognition of diplomas.
Tony Simpson
Tony Simpson joined the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation in 1980, working on its European Nuclear Disarmament (END) campaign. He edits The Spokesman, the journal of the Russell Foundation, and serves as a director of the Foundation and is a Board Member of the Bertrand Russell Society. Following the Brexit referendum in the UK, Tony started a European Citizens’ Initiative, which seeks to uphold European citizenship, including for those in the UK who wish to retain it.
Lisa Waddington
Lisa Waddington holds the European Disability Forum Chair in European Disability Law. Lisa’s principal area of interest lies in European and comparative disability law, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and European and comparative equality law in general. She is currently a board member of a number of Networks and organizations, including the European Network of Legal Experts in the Non-discrimination Field and the Academic Network of European Disability experts.
Bruno de Witte
Bruno de Witte is professor of European Union law at Maastricht University, and part-time professor at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence. He is co-director of the Maastricht Centre for European Law. Previously, from 2000 to February 2010, he was professor of EU law at the EUI, and co-director of the Academy of European Law there, and before that, from 1989 to 2000, he was professor at Maastricht University.
Conference partner organisations:
The conference is organized as a cooperation project between the Institute for Transnational and Euregional Cross Border Cooperation and Mobility (ITEM) of Maastricht University and the New Europeans and it is hosted by the Province of Limburg.
With this conference the partners want to contribute to the project of the Maastricht University, the Province of Limburg and the Municipality of Maastricht called: Maastricht, Working on Europe
Maastricht University (UM) is the most international university in the Netherlands and, with 16,300 students and 4,300 employees, is still growing. The university stands out for its innovative education model, international character and multidisciplinary approach to research and education.
Thanks to its high-quality research and study programmes as well as a strong focus on social engagement, UM has quickly built up a solid reputation. Today it is considered one of the best young universities in the world.
The Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility / ITEM is the pivot of research, counselling, knowledge exchange and training activities with regard to cross border mobility and cooperation.
ITEM is an initiative of Maastricht University (UM), the Dutch Centre of Expertise and Innovation on Demographic Changes (NEIMED), Zuyd Hogeschool, the city of Maastricht, the Meuse-Rhine Euregion (EMR) and the (Dutch) Province of Limburg.
New Europeans is an award-wining civil rights organisation based in Brussels and London which campaigns for the rights of EU citizens and third country nationals and for a Europe of the citizens. In 2018 New Europeans won the Schwarzkopf Europe Award following an online poll of under 35 year olds for its proposal for a Green Card for Europe to safeguard free movement and EU citizenship rights.
New Europeans is a membership organisation and welcomes applications from people of all walks of life who support their work to create a more democratic and inclusive vision of Europe's future, based on the values of equality, social justice and diversity and anchored in human rights. Volunteer opportunities are available to members of the organisation in the areas of capacity building, project delivery, communications and advocacy. Please write to bureau@neweuropeans.net for more information.
It is no accident of history that the Treaty on European Union was signed in Maastricht in 1992. After all, nestled in between Belgium and Germany and situated at the heart of Europe, Maastricht is not only a logical location from a geographical point of view. Its situation on the national borders is precisely why people of this region think and act in cross-border terms, ‘connecting’ and ‘building bridges’. It is a place that is working constantly to build Europe’s future – a place where it is possible to have a dialogue about Europe and where Europe itself is being forged.