Dean’s Blog episode 16: the personal profile pages festival weeks are there!
These weeks we celebrate the Personal Profile Pages Festival. We call upon everyone to revisit your PPP and update and polish it.
Comparative lawyers know the joke well. When comparing the judiciaries of the great European legal traditions, the question is asked for which audiences judges actually write their decisions. In Germany, they do so for an academic audience that must be convinced by learned arguments. In England, judges write for laypeople or the parties themselves, who should be able to understand the reasons behind the decision by making it almost read like a novel.
And in France? Well, French decisions are so obscure and hard to read that judges probably only write them for themselves.
This story of whom to convince also plays a great role in academia. We need to be visible in order to be able to convince others of what we do. This is true for academics, but it is equally true for support staff. There are many different ways to make ourselves visible to those we seek to convince. For academics, this is often about publishing in the right journal and about inspiring teaching. For support staff, it is about helping to organise our teaching and research in the best possible way. At Maastricht University the personal profile pages (PPP’s) play an important role in realising these goals. In the online environment the PPP’s work like a business card. It is the first impression we make when colleagues or outside experts look for information about you and the things that we do. For academics the PP’s are also linked to PURE. If someone looking for information about us finds an empty or outdated page on the UM website, the first impression is not a very good one. And you know: you never get a second chance to make a first impression!
I know that this type of thing never has priority in our busy lives. This is why this spring we organise the ‘PPP festival weeks.’ The PPP festival is the period to revisit your PPP, and update and polish it where necessary. Frie Hoekstra has made a user friendly instructions page, which you can find here: Your personal profile page If you encounter difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact Frie at And because all festivals have to end at some point in time, please update your profile page before 21 May. As Team Law, we aim to reach a 100% score of all profile pages in our Faculty.
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Dear members of the UM Community,
In this blog, Michele Ubertone aims to show that the cognitive and rational skills that are involved in role-playing are also at the heart of legal practice.