Gene therapy
In the Maastricht University Hospital (MUMC), research can be conducted in which GMOs are administered to patients; we call these gene therapy studies. These gene therapy studies are part of the GMO legislation, and for this part of the GMO legislation, an environmental safety officer (ESO) is appointed. This ESO supervises all activities covered by the permit and the implementation of/compliance with the legal regulations or measures listed in the permit. The ESO is approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW) and mandated by the Board of Directors of the MUMC.
Gene therapy studies always take place at the Maastricht University Hospital (MUMC), under the responsibility of a physician. That is why the procedures for gene therapy studies can be found on the ODIN portal (online protocol system of the MUMC).
If you have any questions about gene therapy studies, you can contact the ESO.
Please see the Gene Therapy Office website for additional information on the licensing procedures for clinical gene therapy studies and more insight into the procedures for researchers.