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Phase 1: Dark green

To keep education open for as long as possible if the number of COVID infections increases, it is important that basic hygiene measures to prevent the spread of viruses are observed. The measures in the dark green scenario are therefore always applicable.

The dark green scenario is based on a situation where COVID-19 has the same impact as a cold virus. There will be no immediate need to take measures specifically for education, other than the society-wide commitment to prevention by following basic hygiene measures.

These basic measures include:

Wellbeing in times of COVID-19

Travel & international mobility

International travel for students and staff
UM looks beyond national borders in terms of research and education. In doing so, UM takes into account the gouverment guidelines and the general travel advice issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Guidelines for study-related travel for UM students can be found here. Staff can find the Guidelines for business trips for employees here on intranet. 

Travelling to Maastricht
Incoming students and staff can check which rules and regulations apply via this website