
Students from Maastricht University graduate automatically. You do not have to submit a request to graduate. As soon as you have obtained the required ECTS and have satisfied any other examination requirements you will automatically receive a message from your faculty that you will graduate.

Please note: automatic graduation is not the same as automatic deregistration.

Deregister on time

Automatic graduation does not mean that you are automatically deregistered from Maastricht University as well. If you are terminating your studies you will have to organise a number of things on time.

Go to Studielink and choose "Request for termination of enrolment" under "Study programme details". Also cancel, if applicable, your student travel product and student grant via the website of DUO (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs).

In case you are entitled to a partial refund of the tuition fees you paid, then this will be automatically reversed to the account of the payer after you deregister.

Read what you have to do when you terminate your studies

Graduating in June, July or August

If you graduate in June, July or August then you do not need to deregister. You will be automatically deregistered by Maastricht University with effect from 1 September. During these months you can still make use of the facilities of Maastricht University. This exception is made because in the months July and August you no longer have the right to be reimbursed any tuition fees that you have already paid.

Postponing automatic graduation

In highly exceptional cases you can submit a 'request to postpone graduation’ to the examination committee of your programme. They will assess your request.

Please ensure that you submit this request on time. In other words: before you submit your last assignment or complete your last test. For questions about postponing your graduation, please contact the examination board of the programme.

Diploma Supplement

If you graduate from Maastricht University you will receive an internationally recognised Diploma Supplement (DS). The DS is an independent assessment of the nature, level, context, content and status of your programme.

Read more about the Diploma Supplement

'Mijn diploma's' ('My diplomas')

DUO will also include your diploma in an online overview called 'Mijn diploma's' ('My diplomas'). In 'Mijn diploma's' you can quickly and easily check your diploma details and download a digital copy of your diploma details.

 Read more about 'Mijn diploma's'

Start your career at UM Career Services

As a graduate you can still make use of the services of UM Career Services for six months. You can contact them for career advice, a job application training, and workshops in the area of personal development. You will also gain access to a well-filled vacancy database.

Read more about UM Career Services