
The image brand consists of two triangles facing each other, with a capital ‘U’ in the upper and ‘M’ in the lower triangle. The word brand, ‘Maastricht University’, is set in Thesis Sans Bold in English only; there is no Dutch variant. The image and word brands are connected in fixed proportion. The UM logo is comprised of three elements:

  • image brand
  • word brand
  • fixed white space around logo

Rules for UM Logo use

Rules for use - specifications

Image brand & white space

  • the white space in front of the UM logo is fixed and locked into the logo file - any box’s edges must fully cover the entire logo file
  • the image and word brands may not be used separately (exception: UM social media applications)
  • the logo is preferably displayed in UM dark blue or black
  • to keep the logo clearly visible, the background is preferably white or a light colour
  • the logo may not have bled edges
  • for the sake of readability, the logo may not be smaller than 30 mm wide (including the fixed white space mentioned above)

Word brand

  • in Dutch body text, use UM's Dutch name: Universiteit Maastricht
  • in English body text, use UM's English name: Maastricht University
  • the use of the English Maastricht University word brand only applies when combined with the two triangles, which together form the logo

Incorrect uses of logo

Incorrect use - specifications

Digital applications

The UM logo, when used in digital environments, can be displayed with the following colour combinations:

UM logo digital colour combinations


Logo without wording

As with the printed logo, the digital UM logo typically consists of a logo, branded wording, and white space. In principle, these three elements must always be used with each other.

UM logo digital versions without word branding

In some digital applications, there is no room for the branded wording in the logo (for example social media avatars, apps, and display on mobile phones). If it is not possible to include the branded wording, the logo maybe used without it. The white space, however, must still be present. Sometimes avatars and branded wording must occupy a square, and then different white space rules apply.

UM beeldmerk digital version application


Digital applications with no UM logo

In some cases where the information provider is obvious (for example, web applications like the Student Portal), it isn’t necessary to brand every page. In these cases, the UM’s status is conveyed through the use of colour, typography, and clear communication. The logo should preferably still be applied to the login page or splash screen.

Digital version application no llg

Applying for the UM logo

UM has one logo, which is available in various file formats and resolutions. Which of these you choose depends on your communication medium.

Request the logo now

Compact version of UM logo

All UM organisational units can have a compact version of the UM logo combined with their own name to apply to media created by third parties. If you have any questions, you can contact the House Style Office.

Maastricht University logo (UM logo)