C.F. Sanchez Burmester

Candida Sanchez Burmester is a PhD candidate in Science and Technology Studies at Maastricht University. She employs historical and ethnographic methods to analyze how contested claims have emerged, circulated and have been challenged at conferences and laboratories in nanobiology. She is conducting research on the role of the natural, social and built environment of conferences in the nanobio-community, and is doing laboratory ethnography with a team that is replicating prominent claims in this field. She is supervised by Prof. dr. Cyrus Mody (Maastricht University), Dr. Willem Halffman (Radboud University) and Dr. Alexandra Supper (Maastricht University).

Her PhD is part of the European Research Council-funded Synergy project ‘NanoBubbles: how, when and why does science fail to correct itself?’. This interdisciplinary project studies how contested claims in nanobiology emerge, gain popularity, and are being criticized, both in the past and the present. The goal of the project is to foster scientific debates in which contradictory evidence can be openly discussed and in which scientific self-correction is encouraged.

Her research interests lie in diverse conference formats, scientific practices, science-industry relations, environmental humanities, and perspectives from the Global South.