Excellent third place in Nuremberg Moot Court Competition 2019

The team continued Maastricht’s history of success at the competition, finishing third out of 120 teams. Maastricht received outstanding scores in the preliminary rounds and excellent feedback throughout. Unfortunately, they narrowly lost (3-2) in the semi-finals against the eventual winners of the competition. The team, consisting of law students Lisa Bosser, Nora Christiansen, Catalina Birsanu, and Danuta Palarczyk was coached by Craig Eggett (lecturer and researcher in Public International Law).

Law_moot court Nuremberg 2019

The competition took place in the famous courtroom No. 600. The same court room in which the trials of Göring, Hess, and other Nazi leaders before the International Military Tribunal took place in 1946. Teams simulate proceedings of the International Criminal Court, arguing before leading judges, practitioners and academics.


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