IMAGINARY - Beauty and Power of Mathematics


The travelling exhibition includes numerous top-quality posters, a series of 3D objects, puzzle setups and several interactive apps that visitors can engage with via large touchscreens. Mathematics: surprisingly diverse, appealingly beautiful and stunning applications!

In June and July 2023, the exibition will visit its last stop in the Netherlands: Maastricht. 

IMAGINARY can be visited for free during the period of 28 June up to and including 14 July. IMAGINARY is open to the public on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon between 12.00h and 16.00h.

Throughout this period, groups consisting of students and/or teachers can also visit outside of opening hours (by appointment). You can request a separate visit for education groups via this form. In case you visit IMAGINARY with an education group, Maastricht University will provide a tour guide. 


Would you like to know more about mathematics, and the things that IMAGINARY has to offer? Join a free tour, visit with your high school or attend the Opening Event on June 28! You can find the schedule for these activities below.

Opening event on June 28

On June 28, we will host a special opening event (in English) to kick off IMAGINARY at Maastricht University. You are welcome to attend, but please register beforehand.

The opening event takes place at Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1 in Maastricht, and you will be able to explore the exhibition afterwards. The detailed programme is as follows:


Word of welcome by Ralf Peeters, vice-dean research Faculty of Science and Engineering


“Polyhedra and the genesis of mathematical concepts” by Henrik Kragh Sørensen, professor history and philosophy of science, University of Copenhagen


“Earth observation from different perspectives” by Britt Schmitz, BSc student Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Maastricht University

16.05-16.30 “The power and beauty of tensors --- Breaking the curse of dimensionality with interpretable models” by Martijn Boussé, Philippe Dreesen, lecturers, Department of Advanced Computing Sciences, Maastricht University
16.30-18.00 Snacks & drinks while exploring the exhibition IMAGINARY


Book a tour for high schools

We offer guided tours to groups of high school students and teachers. Please get in touch to schedule a date and time.

Guided tours

Note: all guided tours are in Dutch.

We offer two timeslots during which a mathematician of Maastricht University will provide visitors with a tour of the exhibition. Make sure to sign up!

  • Thursday 6 July, 14.00h-15.00h
  • Thursday 13 July, 14.00-15.00h