Latest blog articles
Telegram is a powerful tool for end-to-end encrypted communication and one of the most popular messenger apps in Russia.
Greece emerged as the EU’s poster child in the fight against Covid-19 during the first few months of the pandemic. Its approach, while effective, is not beyond reproach.
The Digital Services Act (‘DSA’) is part of the long-awaited package aimed at providing a transparency and accountability framework for online platforms and laying down add
About a year ago, this blog published my contribution “Let us not forget about EU fundamental rights,” which addressed the situation at the EU’s externa
As it stands, we don’t teach critical theory as part of the general international law syllabus in this Faculty.
Lack of fair responsibility sharing in asylum is one of the thorniest policy issues currently facing the EU.
Dear reader, welcome to the New Year 2021: a year with hopefully many opportunities and a less bizarre reality. However, while coping with Covid-19, there is already a need to take a long-term perspective: how to reach the aim of a climate neutral European Union in the year 2050.
The New Pact and EU Agencies: an ambivalent approach towards administrative integration.
In a reaction to an EJIL: Talk! post by Baetens et al., Arcuri et al. claim that the Dutch parliament has the right to reject CETA and also argue in favour of it doing so. The post by Arcuri et al.
In a piece published on the Spectator’s website on the 3d October, Steven Barret erroneously argues that the EU cannot sue the UK.