
  • He was thinking about joining the family business, but during his studies of Business Economics, he discovered that he preferred research. What followed is an impressive academic career. Professor Christian Leuz has received no shortage of awards; during the 2024 Dies Natalis, Maastricht University...

  • The healthcare sector is facing limited resources. Without smart innovation, quality of care is at risk for all patient groups. Jessica Storm, an alumna of the master’s programme Healthcare Policy Innovation and Management, researched the cost-effectiveness of fall prevention for one of the largest...

  • UMagazine

    A gift from heaven

    Research on women’s health, childhood obesity, a cancer screening tool, anxiety in older people with dementia, severe brain damage—Maastricht University researchers affiliated with the University Fund Limburg work on a wide range of topics. What do they have in common? They are bursting with...

  • What happens in the brain of someone with a psychiatric disorder? Eleonora Broggi, an alumna of the bachelor Biomedical Sciences at Maastricht University, is investigating brain patterns in people with autism spectrum disorder at King’s College London. Read how Eleonora uses Biomedical Sciences for...

  • For the first time in the history of Maastricht University, an honorary doctorate will be awarded to a married couple: Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks. Together, the professors devised and developed the concept of multilevel governance, which they have been championing for more than 30 years. “We’re...

  • Can neurofeedback help police recruits become more psychologically resilient? In its search for an answer, the Special Intervention Service of the Central Unit of the Netherlands Police approached Andreas Bressler, PhD candidate in cognitive neuroscience. His research focuses on improving emotion...

  • After graduating from Public Policy and Human Development at Maastricht University, she became a librarian at the House of Commons, the lower house of the UK parliament. Here, Georgina Sturge explains what numbers do and don’t mean to policymakers and the public.

  • He knows everything there is to know about potatoes—he earned a PhD in the subject. Since then, the scope of Jan van den Berg’s work has widened. The new professor of Plant Envirogenetics studies the relationship between plant genetics, growing and storage conditions, and quality factors such as...

  • SBE alumnus Paul Schraven reflects on his journey after Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE). After a stint in management consulting, he co-founded SparkSupply in Berlin, connecting students to startups. Shifting away from this model, he worked remotely for a US startup...

  • At the CAPHRI research institute in Maastricht, a 5-member team led by Professor Hans Bosma is working on a large-scale study on socioeconomic inequality and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). In this, they are looking at underlying factors such as the living and working environment of people with a...