
  • Drawing blood, inserting an IV, or looking into the ear; even seemingly simple medical procedures can cause anxiety, pain, and stress in children. According to pediatric intensivist Piet Leroy, comfort and trust are just as important as the medical treatment itself. Therefore, he is researching how...

  • Maastricht University takes care of many distinctive buildings that we all know. For example, the Turnzaal at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Learn more about the oldest gym hall in the Netherlands.

  • Roberta Haar and Hylke Dijkstra have each received a €3 million EU Horizon grant to study multilateralism. “I approached Hylke to join forces—and he told me no,” Haar laughs. “It was only two months before the deadline,” Dijkstra protests. Either way, it worked out well for both of them—and...

  • Bas van Hooren conducted NUTRIM research on preventing injuries and on the future of personalized sports. He defended his PhD, June 17th.

  • How do people interact with each other on social media and other online platforms? How do they end up in conflict? And most importantly: how can we prevent these discussions from escalating? PhD candidate Maud Oostindie is researching these questions. On top of that, she is the new ‘Face of Science’...

  • South Limburg with its ageing population faces considerable challenges when it comes to health and wellbeing. UM research and innovation is already making a real difference. Hilde Verbeek, chair of the Limburg Living Lab in Aging and Long-Term Care, on how to empower older persons and battle the...

  • For the series "The societal impact of UM research", Professor Christopher Brewster was interviewed by Observant's Dennis Vaendel. This edition is entitled "How UM computer scientists are developing software for farmers".

  • Maastricht University takes care of many distinctive buildings and art works that we all know. By giving them a new purpose, we preserve these icons and give them a new meaning, making them the vibrant heart of a bustling city. 

    Did you know that these buildings and art works also provide access to...

  • Alumnus Alessandro Portante is running twenty marathons in twenty days across the twenty regions of his home country Italy, a challenge he calls Project Venti.

  • For a casual way to explore tasty plant-based cuisine in good company, you may want to check out Maastricht goes Vegan, a non-profit cooking event. Werner Teeling of the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience is one of the organisers.