Judith Kamalski appointed as Managing Director BISS

Brightlands Institute for Smart Society (BISS) is pleased to announce the appointment of Judith Kamalski as its new Managing Director.

Judith Kamalski joined Maastricht University 2 years ago as Director Academic Affairs, after 12 years of experience in the corporate world. Lisa Brüggen, Principal Investigator at BISS:  “We are happy to have won Judith as Managing Director of BISS. Judith brings the best of both worlds: experiences from the commercial world as well as Maastricht University. We are excited to work with her on the future of BISS where we collaborate with organizations to apply academic knowledge from a variety of fields to address business and societal challenges, accelerating innovation and creating societal impact in a digital world.”

Starting 1 October, the Executive Board has appointed Michel Walthouwer as acting Director Academic Affairs ad interim. Since Michel joined Maastricht University 4 years ago, he has proven to be of great value to Maastricht University, first as a policy advisor research and more recently as Deputy Director Academic Affairs. “We are looking forward to continuing our close working relationship with Michel and are convinced that Academic Affairs will be in very capable hands until a permanent replacement for Judith has been found.”

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