Our second graduate school GSX was created in September 2019, at the moment that the Maastricht Sustainability Institute (MSI) and Maastricht Graduate School of Governance (now INSPIRE) joined the School of Business and Economics. It serves as a home for research on topics of strong societal interest.

Problem-driven research addressing societal issues

Much research in economics has societal relevance at some level. However, rather than focusing on the potential societal relevance at the end of the research project, GSX suggests a problem-driven research approach in which it focuses on projects that have as their starting points pressing societal issues or challenges. With this as the starting point, the research in GSX often takes us beyond disciplinary boundaries, mixing disciplines and methods within individual projects. As we appreciate and value joint knowledge production with actors within and beyond the academic world, research in GSX is often transdisciplinary in nature.

Research done at GSX covers a wide variety of topics and is executed by professors, postdocs and PhDs. Typical research topics include:

  • Sustainability assessment
  • Innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainable development
  • Governance and institutions
  • Economics of science and innovation
  • Structural change and development
  • Migration and Development
  • Social Protection

The overarching concern, though, is research that will have relatively direct practical implications, and help policy makers and others find solutions for policy issues and societal challenges. That said, the research done at GSX does not sacrifice academic rigor to achieve these ends. The success of GSX lies in its ability to combine high-quality academic research with a direct interest in societal issues.

Research at GSX is to a great extent carried out within two institutes:

“An outstanding contribution to society – world leading!"

Drawing on a mix of data, interviews and narrative accounts, the committee of four Dutch and German professors presented their independent assessment in March 2017.

'An outstanding contribution to society – world leading!', is a verdict by an independent review committee on the work carried out by GSX institutes UNU-MERIT and MSI at Maastricht University, for the period 2010-2015.
