Looking for a Physical therapist in Maastricht Randwyck? Fysio Zuyd has a location in the University Sports Centre, where anyone* can book an appointment for treatment or consultation.
Do you suffer from physical complaints, physical discomfort or an injury? Good advice can help you recover to prevent worse. At the Fysio Zuyd location in Maastricht Randwyck you can go for (manual) Physiotherapy, Exercise therapy, Sports physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.
Everyone is welcome at this location, also if you are not a university employee or student.
When is physiotherapy useful?
Physiotherapy treatment or guidance is useful for:
- general daily physical complaints (e.g. neck and back complaints, improving your posture or using your body more effectively)
- (preventing) sports injuries
- overloading of muscles, tendons and ligaments
- rehabilitation after bone fractures or surgery
- complaints due to office or study work
- stress-related complaints
- other complaints of the musculoskeletal system
Insurance reimbursement
The coverage of physiotherapy treatments varies by health insurance policy. Please contact your insurance provider to find out their policy on reimbursement.
Note that the health insurance policy from your home country might also cover (part of) the costs, as well as an additional insurance from the European Health Insurance.
University Sports Centre
P. Debyeplein 15
6229 HA Maastricht
There is free parking for both bicycles and cars. If you are coming by car, please mention at the barrier that you are coming for physiotherapy.
The treatment room is located in the University Sports Centre opposite the reception (room number: 0.201). You can report to the reception upon arrival.
Free consultation for UM SPORTS members
Do you ever suffer from physical complaints or an injury during or after sports? Or are you looking for advice on how to stay fit and injury-free? During a consultation with a physiotherapist, you can discuss your concerns and your sports goals and the physiotherapist will assess your condition free of charge.
Every UM SPORTS member receives one free consultation per indication per year. This means that you can use the sports consultation hour once for the same complaint for free. If you opt for additional follow-up treatments, the costs are for your own account or those of your health insurer (depending on how you are insured).