
Our laboratories

  1. Room Temperature sample preparation Laboratory: Resin embedding, ultramicrotomy, immunolabelling and negative staining.
  2. ML2 Laboratory: Culturing and microscopy sample cryo-preparation:  Vitrification (High Pressure Freezing, Vitrobot and Vitrojet plunge and jet freezing, Freeze-substitution  AFS and cryo-ultramicrotomy)
  3. ML2 Microscopes Room:  Corrsight spinning disc cryo-fluorescence microscope, Scios cryo-FIB/SEM, Tecnai Arctica cryo-TEM
  4. Microscopes Area: Tecnai Spirit T12 TEMs , Jeol JSM-IT200 SEM , Nuance spectroscopy microscope.
  5. STED ML1 room
  6. MultiPhoton Animal D1 room
  7. Data processing room
  8. Biochemistry Laboratory (separated location)