Editions 2014
Special Issue: The Constitutional Adulthood of Multi-Level Governance
Guest Editorial
- P. Popelier and W. Vandenbruwaene: The Guest Editors’ Introduction, p. 225
- W. Vandenbruwaene, Multi-Level Governance through a Constitutional Prism, p. 229
- A. Simoncini, The European Union as a ‘3-D’ Constitutional Space, p. 243
- A. Cygan, The Regions within Multi-Level Governance: Enhanced Opportunities for Improved Accountability?, p. 265
- G. Martinico, Asymmetry and Complex Adaptive (Legal) Systems: the Case of the European Union, p. 281
- P. Popelier, ‘Europe Clauses’ and Constitutional Strategies in the Face of Multi-Level Governance, p. 300
- B. Guastaferro, Coupling National Identity with Subsidiarity Concerns in National Parliaments’ Reasoned Opinions, p. 320
- T. Vandamme, EU Directives and Multi-Level Governance – Can Lessons Be Drawn from Cooperative Federalism?, p. 341
- O. Ştefan, Helping Loose Ends Meet? The Judicial Acknowledgement of Soft Law as a Tool of Multi-Level Governance, p. 359
Guest Editorial
- I. Pernice: A Difficult Partnership between Courts: The First Preliminary Reference by the German Federal Constitutional Court to the CJEU, p. 3
- P. Cortés & A.R. Lodder, Consumer Dispute Resolution Goes Online: Reflections on the Evolution of European Law for Out-of-Court Redress, p. 14
- M. Peeters, Governing Towards Renewable Energy in the EU: Competences, Instruments and Procedures, p. 39
- P. van Cleynenbreugel, Meroni Circumvented? Article 114 TFEU and EU Regulatory Agencies, p. 64
- A. Witte, The Application of National Banking Supervision Law by the ECB – Three Parallel Modes of Executing EU Law?, p. 89
- G. Lo Schiavo, From National Banking Supervision to a Centralized Model of Prudential Supervision in Europe?, p. 110
- M. van Kogelenberg, Deliberate Breach of Contract and Consequences for Remedies: Exploration of a Neglected Area in the Law of Contract, p. 141
- E. Nordin, The Penalty Clause Bias, p. 162
- R. van Gestel, European Regulatory Agencies Adrift? Case C-270/12 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. European Parliament and Council of the European Union, Judgment of 22 January 2014, not yet reported, p. 188
Legal Debate
- M. Scholten, Independence vs. Accountability: Proving the Negative Correlation, p. 197
Article Review
- P. Craig, Pringle and the Nature of Legal Reasoning, p. 205
Book Reviews
- L.A. DiMatteo, Q. Zhou, S. Saintier & K. Rowley (eds.), Commercial Contract Law: Transatlantic Perspectives, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013, 618 p., hardback, £ 68, ISBN 978-1-10702-808-1, by C. Cauffman, p. 221