Een brug naar de toekomst van serviceonderzoek | Frontiers in Service Conferentie 2023

Van Romeinen tot Robots – Service Onderzoek in e-motion
3 juli 2023

Maastricht, Nederland - De Frontiers in Service Conference 2023, gehouden in de pittoreske stad Maastricht, verwelkomde serviceonderzoekers van over de hele wereld voor een opmerkelijke bijeenkomst. In 2002 was de Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE) de eerste universiteit buiten de Verenigde Staten die dit prestigieuze evenement organiseerde. Na 21 jaar is SBE er trots op de eer te hebben gehad om het opnieuw te organiseren. Deze kans zou niet mogelijk zijn geweest zonder de afdeling Marketing & Supply Chain Management (MSCM) en haar toewijding om een ​​leidende kracht te zijn in serviceonderzoek.

(Dit artikel gaat verder in het Engels)

The Conference at a Glance

  • More than 350 attendees from across the globe, including 110 doctoral students, came together to share knowledge and ideas

  • 220+ parallel presentations created a vibrant platform for researchers to discuss their findings and insights.  

Celebrating Service Research in Maastricht

Held at the historic Tapijnkazerne, the conference provided a platform for exciting keynote sessions, thought-provoking discussions, and cutting-edge research exploration. This year's event highlighted SBE's expertise in service research, as well as the Maastricht Center for Robots (MCR) and Digital Experience Lab (DEXLab).

Ethics and AI

Sustainable Services

Led by service researcher Lerzan Aksoy, a discussion on sustainable service featured Mark Post, the founder of Mosa Meat, who showcased the world's first cultured burger, driving sustainable food systems forward. Nancy Bocken, a professor in Sustainable Business, emphasized the importance of minimizing environmental harm within service industries. 

Frontiers 23 - Keynote 3

Meaningful Digital Experiences, Now and in the Future

Saturday's sessions focused on the future of digital experiences. Samuel Fung from Starbucks shared insightful strategies for cultivating meaningful customer connections through digital channels. Meanwhile, the DEXLab team presented research snapshots in biometric, virtual, and augmented reality technologies, revealing the transformative potential of these advancements in enhancing customer experiences.

Frontiers 23 - Fung

Shaping our Future with Service Robots and AI

Sunday's keynote session delved into the world of service robots and AI, which are increasingly becoming integral to our lives. Jochen Wirtz, a renowned service scholar, presented extensive research on the impact of service robots on user interactions across diverse industries. Mike van Rijswijk, CEO and futurologist at Robot Control and Innovation Playground, offered a glimpse into cutting-edge developments in sectors like healthcare and education, leaving attendees inspired and envisioning a futuristic adventure.

Frontiers 23 - Sunday

Recognizing Excellence

The conference also celebrated excellence with an awards ceremony and conference dinner at Maastricht's Rebelle. The ceremony was a moment of reflection in which the global community honoured outstanding research achievements.

Frontiers 23 - Rebelle 3

Written by Nima Hassanloo & Alexandru Maris

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