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Schuman Lecture 2023 | Learning to Learn from History | Géraldine Schwarz

Watch the livestream here


Tans Lecture 2022 | Is Authoritarianism Winning? | David Runciman

Watch the livestream here


Schuman Lecture 2022 | Sovereignty, Emancipation & Power | Ulrike Guérot

Watch the livestream here

Schuman Lecture 2021 | Europe After the Pandemic | Ivan Krastev

 Watch the livestream here

The Covid-19 pandemic marked the real beginning of the 21st century, turning the face of Europe abruptly towards the future. The political challenge presented by Covid-19 confronted European leaders with a strategic choice: either fight to preserve a globalised world of open borders or work towards a softer version of de-globalisation. 

Tans Lecture 2018 | Islam and the Future of Tolerance | Maajid Nawaz

Watch the livestream here.


Frank Furedi - Taking Democracy Seriously

These days, virtually anyone outside the political mainstream is called a populist. The term populist is frequently used to denigrate people who vote the 'wrong way'. Frank Furedi argues that in the current climate anti-populism represents a far greater threat to public life than populism.

Andreas Weigend - Data for the People

Is data the new oil? who refines this valuable resource? and what role do and can the people play?
Every day, as you browse the Internet and carry your mobile phone, you create and share data about yourself. This data of the people and by the people is the most important economic resource of the twenty-first century.
In this lecture Andreas Weigend, former chief scientist at Amazon and author of the book Data for the People, shows that it's misguided to fight for a naive conception of privacy or anonymity. Instead, you must take an active role in extracting value from your data, and demand a seat at the controls of the data refineries.

Michael Ignatieff - Open Society and Its New Enemies

The Schuman Lecture 2018 was a great success. The lecture “Open Society’s New Enemies and the Future of Europe” by Michael Ignatieff was, however, not recorded. Were you unable to attend the Schuman Lecture but are still interested in the topic? Then watch this recording made by the Central European University (CEU). 
Between January and May 2017 the CEU organized the Rethinking Open Society project. This project aimed to bring leading thinkers to CEU to examine open society, its history, its achievements and failures, and its future prospects in a world where its ideals are under threat.

Gerard Bodifee, Astrofysicus, journalist en schrijver, Lummen (B)

Eindigheid en vergankelijkheid (16-11-2017)

Kan je ooit volkomen gelukkig zijn? Je beseft op het moment dat je gelukkig bent dat het niet zal blijven duren. Tegelijkertijd is dat de troost: alles gaat voorbij. Geen enkel leed zal eindeloos blijven duren.
In deze intrigerende lezing gaat Bodifee verder in op het fascinerende ‘nu’ punt. Volgens de relativiteitstheorie van Einstein speelt elke gebeurtenis zich voor iemand in het heelal ‘nu’ af. Maar wat betekent dat voor het kwaad? Is de ‘holocaust’ dan ook altijd ‘nu’ voor iemand? Vreemd genoeg geeft de muziek hierover verdere uitleg want tussen muziek en tijd bestaat een bijzonder verband.

Christina Lamb, War Correspondent, Writer, London

Christina Lamb is one of Britain’s leading foreign correspondents and a bestselling author. She gave the annual Tans lecture on 6 November 2017: Never-Ending War and Finding Hope in the Darkest Places. The Tans Lecture is organised by Studium Generale every year to honour dr. J. Tans (1912-1993), the founding father of Maastricht University. Interview & camera: Lennart Kleinschmidt Edit: Sandu Ambrosi

Opening PAS Festival 2017

Het PAS-festival (Pleasure, Arts and Science) is een persoonlijke ontdekkingstocht langs bijzondere, vaak onbekende plekken van de Universiteit Maastricht. Het PAS-festival is gratis te bezoeken en biedt een programma van vele korte lezingen, concerten, dans- en theatervoorstellingen. Volgend jaar vindt het festival op vrijdag 7 en zaterdag 8 september 2018 plaats.

Deze video door RTVM doet verslag van de opening door Armando en Oleg Lysenko op Bayan (Klassiek accordeon) met het cross-over project "Ik hoorde dat er geluisterd werd" en het zigeunerensemble Tata Mirando. Alle video's zijn terug te vinden op ons Youtube kanaal en op de website:

Ágnes Heller, Philosopher, Budapest

Agnes Heller was invited to speak at the 4 May lecture 2017. During her long life, the Hungarian-Jewish philosopher Ágnes Heller has seen a great deal of recent European history. As a Jew, she survived the Nazi regime in Budapest. She studied philosophy with György Lukács after the war and was active during the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. Among her many works are A Philosophy of Morals (1990), The Time is Out of Joint (2002) and The Immortal Comedy (2005).

Louise Vet, Prof. Evolutionary Biology

Before her lecture on Biodiversity: the Basis of Nature's Economy, Prof. Louise Vet was interviewed about her research. "Biodiversity is not just ‘nice to have’; it is essential for all life on Earth – including our own. During the lecture professor Vet showed what we can learn from nature when it comes to changing our economy into a new one that fits within nature’s economy: circular, energy from the sun and based on biodiversity."

Peter Asaro, philosopher of science, technology and media

Peter Asaro is a philosopher of science, technology and media at The New School, New York (USA). His research examines the social, ethical and legal implications of autonomous technologies. This includes agency and autonomy, liability and punishment, and privacy and surveillance as it applies to robotics, automation, smart buildings, drones, autonomous vehicles and artificial intelligence. At 11 april 2017 he gave a lecture for Studium Generale: Robot Ethics, Human Rights & Autonomous Weapons

Video: Joan Muysken Lecture by Bill Mitchell

The Eurozone: Groupthink and Denial on a Grand Scale (06-03-2017)

Bill Mitchell, Professor of Economics at the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia and a notable proponent of Modern Monetary Theory, presented the 2017 Joan Muysken Lecture on 6 March. This lecture, organised in cooperation with the School of Business and Economics, is based on Mitchell’s book of the same name, which argues that the political class in Europe is trapped in a destructive groupthink which prevents it from seeing their own policy failures.

Philipp Ther, Prof. of Central European History

Before his Studium Generale lecture, Prof. Philipp Ther (Professor of Central European History) was interviewd by Ferenc Laczó (Assistant Professor in History).

Ther works at the University of Vienna and is author of Europe since 1989: The New Order on the Old Continent.  Read more...


Stella Ghervas, PhD History, Birmingham & Harvard

Europe’s Pursuit of Peace:  Past, Present and Future by Stella Ghervas, PhD (Assistant Professor, Un. of Alabama at Birmingham & Harvard University (USA)) On Tuesday 9 May at the School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University.
Spanning three centuries, this year’s Schuman lecture examined a number of deep-rooted reasons why, in the face of all odds and failures, political leaders in Europe have been trying to achieve a peaceful unification of the continent, and why this pursuit is a never-ending process.


Tanslezing by Jo Marchant, Science Journalist

Cure: A Journey into the Science of Mind over Body (01-11-16)
Have you ever felt a surge of adrenaline after narrowly avoiding an accident?  Felt turned on just from hearing your partner’s voice? If so, then you’ve experienced how dramatically the workings of your mind can affect your body. Jo Marchant is a science journalist and author based in London. In this years Tanslecture she discussed the potential – and limits – of the mind to heal, and asked how we might harness these principles in medical care. Meer info

Debate Cafe with Marc Lewis, 8 November 2017

debate cafe Marc Lewis