Prof Dr Mariëlle Heijltjes (M.G.)


The essence of my chair is studying the behavior of people in leader roles and the impact of this behavior on the other members of the organization; whether these are colleagues – for example in a management team – or direct reports.

At the level of the individual, personal and professional leadership play an important role. To me, leadership is not about how to be the most powerful or the smartest. Leadership is about creating an environment in which people feel valued and are enabled to optimally perform. An environment in which the employee follows the leader because he wants to and not because he has to or because sanctions are feared. I am fascinated by the question of what makes this so difficult in practice. In trying to unravel answers and to guide the development of leaders, I analyze the role of self awareness, inner attitude (for example courage) and impact. 

In addition, I am interested in the level of the team. Why do some (top) management teams function more effectively than others? Why do some (top) management teams dare to act more responsibly and sustainable than others? Is it a matter of composition of the team in terms of  experience, education and social network of each team member? Or is it related to how the team members deal with each other and take decisions? Is a successful management team characterized by less, or indeed more, internal conflict and by more or less mutual trust?

I enjoy the fact that these type of questions closely relate to management practice and are therefore directly relevant to the performance of an organization and the impact of the organization on our society and planet.

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Heijltjes, M.H., Saka-Helmhout, A., Van Witteloostuijn, A. (2012). How universal are the nature and process of strategy? Introduction to the special issue in honor of Arndt Sorge, Journal of Strategy and Management, 5.2, 120-124.

Raes, A., Heijltjes, M., Glunk, U., & Roe, R.A. (2011). The interface of the top management team and middle managers: a process model, Academy of Management Review, 36.1, 102-126.

Raes, A., Heijltjes, M. & Glunk, U. (2009). Exploring temporal patterns of conflict and trust in teams. In: R.Roe, S. Clegg, & M. Waller (Eds.), Time in Organizational Research, London: Routledge.

Heijltjes, M.G. (2008), Managerial Behavior: een kwestie van moed, inaugural address, Maastricht University School of Business and Economics. (translation: Managerial Behavior: a matter of courage)

Raes, A., Heijltjes, M., Glunk, U., & Roe, R.A. (2008). The interface of top management team and middle managers: a process model, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2008.

Raes, A., Glunk, U., Heijltjes, M. & Roe, R.A. (2007). Top management teams and middle managers: Making sense of leadership. Small Group Research, 38 (3), 360-386.

Heijltjes, M.G. (2007), Managing international alliances, in: H.Meyer and M.Michiel (eds), Shaping the Future with International Business Education, Hauschild GmBH, Bremen.

Heijltjes, M.G. (2007), Learning to Lead – responsibly, BizEd Magazine for Business Education, AACSB International, Nov-Dec, 32-37.

Belderbos R., Heijltjes, M.G. (2005), The Determinants of Expatriation in Japanese Multinationals: Network ties and executive staffing policies in Asia, Journal of International Business Studies, 36.3, 341-354.

Heijltjes, M.G., Olie, R., Glunk, U. (2003), Internationalization of Top Management Teams in Europe, European Management Journal, 21.1, 89-98.

Heijltjes, M.G., Van Witteloostuijn, A. (2003), Market Environments, Competitive Strategies, Manufacturing Technologies and Human Resource Management Policies: A Two-Industry and Two Country Analysis’, Scandinavian Journal Of Management, 19.1, 31-63.

Boone, C., Heijltjes, M.G. (2001), Onderzoek en Onderwijs in de sectie Organisatie, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Bedrijfskunde, Universiteit Maastricht, Tijdschrift voor HRM, 2, 97-98.

Glunk, U. Heijltjes, M.G., Olie, R. (2001), Design Characteristics and Functioning of Top Management Teams in Europe, European Management Journal, 19.3, 291-300.

Heijltjes, M.G. (2000), Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and the Design of HRM Policies, 21.4, Organization Studies, 775-805.

Clark, T., Grant, D., Heijltjes, M.G. (2000), Researching Comparative and International HRM: Key Challenges and Contributions, International Studies of Management and Organization, 29.4, Winter. 6-23.

Heijltjes, M.G. (1998), De mens als belangrijkste concurrentiefactor, Tijdschrift voor HRM, 1, 87-106.

Heijltjes, M.G. (1997), Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and Strategic Flexibility: Findings from Dutch and British companies, in: Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, Biberman, J., Alkhafaji, A. (eds), IABD, Slippery Rock, PA.

Heijltjes, M.G., Van Witteloostuijn, A. en Sorge, A. (1996), Human Resource Management in Relation to Generic Strategies: A Comparison of Chemical and Food and Drink Compa­nies in the Netherlands and Great Britain, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 7.2, 383-412.

Heijltjes, M.G., Van Witteloos­tuijn, A. en Van Diepen, S. (1996), The Dutch Business System and Human Resource Management, in: European Human Resource Manage­ment, Clark, T. (ed), Basil Blackwell, Oxford.

Heijltjes, M.G., Van Witteloostuijn, A., en Sorge, A. (1996), Concurrentie-omgeving en Strategieprofiel: een analyse van Britse en Nederlandse bedrijfstakken, Bedrijfskunde, 3, 51-65.

Heijltjes, M.G., Van Witteloostuijn, A. (1995), Omgeving en Strategie van de Organisatie, in: Hand­boek Manage­ment­ra­ti­os,  Klaas­sen, A., Torremans, H. en Van Witteloos­tuijn, A. (eds), Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen, Deventer.

Heijltjes, M.G. (1995), Organi­zational Fit or Failure: Competitive environments, generic and specific strategies in Great Britain and the Netherlands, Datawyse, Maas­tricht.

Heijltjes, M.G., Van Witteloostuijn, A., Sorge, A. (1993), International Organizational Observatory 1993. Descriptive Report The Netherlands, Research Memorandum 93-050, Rijksuniversiteit Limburg, Maastricht.