17 sep
12:00 - 14:00

SBE’s Research Themes Launch

Join us at the start of a new academic year as the seven research themes of the School of Business and Economics share their visions with the SBE and UM communities.

Interdisciplinary, forward-facing and collaborative, these seven teams of scholars bring together expertise from a wide range of fields to address today’s most pressing issues and help to provide tomorrow’s most innovative solutions.

With full details still to be confirmed, and a few surprises in the works, you can expect a lively and insightful panel discussion on the teams’ goals and methods, followed by an interactive poster session presenting highlights of current research by members of the seven SBE research themes.

To confirm your attendance, please register here.

On behalf of SBE’s Research Theme Leaders & GSBE Director,

Conflict and Cooperartion | Iwan Bos
Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship | Yannick Bammens
Culture, Ethics and Leadership | Ann Vanstraelen & Wim Gijselaers
Data-Driven Decision Making | Martin Wetzels
Human Decisions and Policy Design | Lisa Brüggen
Learning and Work | Trudie Schils & Andries de Grip
Sustainable Development | Rob Bauer
GSBE Director | Frank Moers

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