T.J. Dekker

Key publicaties
Dekker, T. (2022). Seven Democratic Virtues of Liberal Education: A Student-Inspired Agenda for Teaching Civic Virtue in European Universities. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003336594
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Dekker, T. (2020). Teaching Critical Thinking Through Engagement with Multiplicity. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 37, Article 100701. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2020.100701
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Dekker, T. (2021). The Value of Curricular Choice Through Student Eyes. Curriculum Journal, 32(2), 198-214. https://doi.org/10.1002/curj.71
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Dekker, T., Korsten, G., & Glunk, U. (2020). Policies for Realising Responsive, Engaging, Active, and Tailored Education with Students: Some suggestions for stimulating educational reform in the EHEA.
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Dekker, T., & Korsten, G. (2020). Towards Responsive, Engaging, Active, and Tailored Education: An Agenda for Educational Reform in the EHEA.
Meer informative over deze publicatie
Dekker, T. (2020). STEM-Education, Liberal Arts and the Problem of Incommensurability. International Journal for Education Law and Policy, 16, 257-263. https://heinonline.org/HOL/P?h=hein.journals/ijelp16&i=255
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