Researchers at PHS1 May 2022
Research institutes

Institute of Data Science

Vast amounts of data being generated across all segments of society. If taken advantage of, these data offer an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate scientific discovery, to improve healthcare and wellbeing, and to strengthen our communities. Data Science is an interdisciplinary field concerning the scientific methods, systems and workflows to obtain insights from data.

Data Science has the potential to affect all aspects of human activity. We embrace this development and are preparing a new generation of data scientists, scholars and entrepreneurs who work in a collaborative manner to tackle the world’s most pressing problems.


Research at IDS focuses on: 

  • accelerating scientific discovery through powerful platforms for scalable, collaborative and reproducible discovery science
  • improving clinical care and wellbeing by developing a learning health system to understand the health of diverse populations and to maximise the wellness and health outcomes for individuals.
  • empowering communities so that they can learn what works, what doesn’t, and how to enact change to improve the quality of life for themselves and their neighbours

IDS aims to tackle impactful research problems through multidisciplinary teams involving students, researchers, partners, and stakeholders inside and out of the university. We aim to train the next generation of data scientists to be even more collaborative and interdisciplinary.


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Faculty of Science and Engineering